Tuesday, November 12, 2013

this week....

I'm really behind now and won't bother trying to catch up just yet.  Here's what happening... It's all pretty good.  I have finished work...I substituted for another teacher 20 hours last week and now am staying with a very gracious friend of a friend who has been delightful.  L has let me stay on her sleeper sofa and make myself at home.  It's great.

Still no news from China which has me a little concerned, but not overly so.  I have touched base with everyone and things are in the works.  Just don't want to over stay too long.... oy.

Going to try to enjoy my remaining time here in Kyiv.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My last Sunday class

Good bye long Sunday hours... Except, since I'm waiting for my visa and don't know when it may come (well I have an idea it should be within 2 weeks now), and done officially with my job, I was asked to sub for a teacher who will be out for 2 weeks.  How can I say no to extra money?  Not easily, so I said yes, at least for this week, Monday through Thursday.  

Packing and sorting...

How did I get all this stuff?!  Oh yea, my incessant need to make a place homey..... countless indoor plants, little homey touches, sheets, towels...ugh...where to pack it all?  Oh yea and let's not forget my obsession with used clothing shopping.  It seems I am leaving at least as many clothes as I'm packing....oy.

This time I will take what I wear the most... and ignore my unrealistic thoughts about looking more "professional".  Skinny jeans with a cute shirt or t and sweater with my Doc's are acceptable...and comfortable!  That's me, so that's what I'll take... One winter dress instead of 4 and all my summer clothes, since I'm going to a hot steamy place:)

Lucky I have these lightweight suitcases to cram it all in!

hanging with my roomie

Jonfen and I spent some quality time today at Paragova, outdoor museum and at a cool little dinner for dinner.  Great burger....yum:)

can this be my last late night class?

Wow, how exciting!  My last class at this late hour... I know it's not that late, but it really is weird for me to work till 10 pm and return home an hour later...

last class with favorite group

Each semester I find I have one group that is my fave class.  This time is was my M, W 4:00 group.  They were fun and lively.  Three of them are high school girls, two middle aged men, and two younger women.  After their final test, they gave me some Kyiv candy, and two lovely porcelain fridge magnets.  We all hung out that extra hour till their time was up, eating cake and chatting.  I'll miss this....*heavy sigh*.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I finally had some of my favorite photos printed to have with me in China.  Quite a few from the past few years of living in foreign lands, in 8 X 10 so I can hang them in my new apartment.