Sunday, November 3, 2013

Packing and sorting...

How did I get all this stuff?!  Oh yea, my incessant need to make a place homey..... countless indoor plants, little homey touches, sheets, towels...ugh...where to pack it all?  Oh yea and let's not forget my obsession with used clothing shopping.  It seems I am leaving at least as many clothes as I'm packing....oy.

This time I will take what I wear the most... and ignore my unrealistic thoughts about looking more "professional".  Skinny jeans with a cute shirt or t and sweater with my Doc's are acceptable...and comfortable!  That's me, so that's what I'll take... One winter dress instead of 4 and all my summer clothes, since I'm going to a hot steamy place:)

Lucky I have these lightweight suitcases to cram it all in!

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