Saturday, August 31, 2013

memories of Mongolia

This morning I planned to get up earlier than usual (in preparation for my early overnight train (10 pm and arrival at a bleary 6 am)... Soon after awakening at 8:30 I started hearing music and an "emcee" type voice talking on an obvious P.A. system... Then I realized it's September 1st, officially the first day of school, though classes will not begin till tomorrow, there is a First Day of School ceremony going on across the alley.  In Mongolia, I also lived close to the school and it brings back good memories:)  Maybe all the former Soviet countries have similar traditions?

packed and ready!!!

Vacation time is almost here again... travel, adventure...woot woot!!  Got the backpack ready and by Sunday evening I'll be on my way!  First the overnight train to Odessa for two days of fun and sun (I hope) at the Black Sea, then flying on down to Istanbul for my first ever visit.

Friday, August 30, 2013

semester almost

As we near the end of another semester, I start feeling the building excitement, since this usually means traveling for me!  Alas, it does again, with my upcoming travels to Odessa for a couple days of fun and sun in the Black Sea, then off to Istanbul....woot woot!!!!!

my nephew's twin

well, not really, Jon doesn't have a twin, but I asked Oleg, who really reminds me of my nephew Jon, if I could take his photo and email it to my family... i'd told him before of the similarities, and he said sure.  the family doesn't really see the same resemblance  i do...but oh well.

cool spell

It's still August and should be hot as blazes, but this week is bringing much needed rain and a cool spell...nice:)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Skype Mania Weekend!

Wow, I love when that happens!... Over the weekend I Skyped with my good friend Linda, My Mom, sister, brother in law and nephew, (Saturday) then on Sunday, Pete, Nicole and birthday girl Gretchen, plus Courtney, Carter, Cody (and Brutus)...and a missed call from Sharayah.... Wow...I'm feeling the love... Oh and a video message I couldn't open from Richard (I sent you a message telling you that).

Saturday, August 24, 2013

time for a new 'do

It's been awhile (about 5-6 weeks) since my last color touch up and it's time again... Also time for a new cut!  I like my stylist, and today I finally learned her name.  Victoria:)  Oh, and she did a super job (as always) on my hair!

Friday working evening....?

Because there is a holiday this weekend...Ukraine Independence Day, we have school/work Friday evening and off Sunday.  Surprisingly, there were about the same number of students as Sundays. It's nice to have a Sunday off, but I guess it's all the same to me:)  Happy Independence Ukraine!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

train tickets!

Another successful endeavor!  Today I purchased my round trip train tickets all by myself!  They are tickets from Kiev to Odessa on the overnight train September 1st and overnight from Odessa to Kiev in the wee morning hours of the 12th.  This is the last bit of reservations for my upcoming Istanbul trip!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

fresh veggies from the countryside

Thank goodness for Alla's granny and her generosity!  I'm still enjoying some of the amazing and fresh produce I brought home!  I just baked the second huge squash and think I'll make some soup from it tomorrow....yummy

a hand knitted sweater for Gretchen!

I have started and re-started a lovely hooded sweater for my lovely grand daughter.... and since the last time I ripped it all out, haven't touched it again.  Since I'd love to actually make and finish it by the next time I visit the US (right now the plan in January), I finally started it far, so good:)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

last day without a room mate..

As of the last break, my room mate has been traveling and I've mostly enjoyed having the apartment to myself.  Except for a few days a couple weeks ago, and just yesterday, I've been lucky enough to have solitude.... peace and quiet, no one to wait for to use the shower, etc... All that's gonna change tomorrow..a guy from AEC will live here for 2 weeks...oy

hot pink package

Thanks Courtney!  I received the hot pink package in the mail today!  Smells like peppermint life savers with a little something extra inside:)  You're the best!

i spent hours today pouring over short hair styles in preparation for going short again... still haven't absolutely decided on one yet, but will before i go on vacation:)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

where next? PC redux?

While considering where to go after Ukraine... so many great things about here... especially the locale from which to travel.  It dawned on me today while perusing Peace Corps Response jobs, I could always join PC again.... Maybe this time I will do agricultural work.  Started the application process this afternoon.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

postcards from home:)

Thanks Courtney!  I got your postcard today!  The adorable one with the sea turtle from the Carolina Coast....awesome.

apple pie

Since I brought home a bag of fresh apples from Alla's granny, I made a delightful apple pie, including several of the yummy pears I also was given.  The pie was heavenly.  The crust, light, fluffy, and delicious.....the filling was just the proper amount of sweetness.... mmmmmmmm

supermarkets are super!

After class today, I walked to the supermarket a few blocks away.  Armed with my shopping bags, I wanted to pick up many items all at the same store. Here in my neighborhood, I'm fortunate enough to have many options for food shopping.  There are several small shops, offering certain items, but not everything, then the fruit and veg stalls at the open air market close to me.
At the Cilpo grocery store, they offer a wide variety of fresh fruits, veggies, huge displays of canned goods, large freezer cases, fresh meats and countless types of dairy. A heavenly place when I desire quick, one stop shopping, such as Sunday evening at 6 pm after my longest work day of the week::)

cooking Ukrainian style

Today I had the pleasure of learning to cook "verenekie" a traditional Ukrainian food, with my hostesses.  Alla, her granny and auntie taught me to make this wonderful stuff, which is similar to Polish perogies.  We made a variety of fillings, both sweet and savory and they were all delicious!

visit to the village!

I'm so excited I'll be going to a village with a former student of mine today!  We'll be visiting her granny and auntie who live almost 4 hours outside of the city.  To meet Alla, I walked 12 minutes to the metro station, took the red line metro for 5 stops, then changed to the blue line.  Alla met me at Olimpsky station (45 minutes now from my apartment), then we had to travel to the end of the blue line.  Some new construction of additional stations, extending the line is underway.

At the end of the line we arrived at the Southern Bus station where we caught our mini bus to the countryside.  Our ride was close to 4 hours, with one stop at a despicable outhouse toilet stop.  Since living in Mongolia I am used to bad toileting situations, or sometimes no toilet.  This outhouse probably needed to be closed months ago.  The hole was full up I would've been better off peeing outside..... I did have a skirt on after all and could've just squatted, but, heavy sigh, you can't do that here in Ukraine::(  But hey, when you gotta pee, you gotta pee, and thankfully the bus stopped!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

thursday is my friday....

So very soon I'll go to work (in 5 minutes I'll walk to the school next door), work for 2 hours, then it'll be the weekend.  Got a beer chillin' in the freezer:)

reservations for trip complete:)

Finally booked my room in Odessa, so now my necessary arrangements are complete for Odessa then Istanbul.... Oops, just realized while writing this, no they aren't... still don't have my train ticket (either way)...Still very much looking forward to this solo vacation!  I do enjoy my own company.

Orange is the new black... the best show I've seen in awhile...(of course, not counting Dexter and True Blood).. Don't know who mentioned it on FB, but I looked it up, started watching...and Bam.... must see TV

Monday, August 5, 2013


This is the third time I've Skyped with loved ones this week!  Today was Courtney and Carter, and Cody... awesome fun family!  I love you guys!  

lazy days exploring the city

This is one thing I love about living here..... it's fun to go look around and explore places on a Saturday.  I spent hours today venturing downtown, an area I've been to many times before. Today, however, I went into the huge food market for the first time and also for a second viewing at the Pinchuk Art Center's China China exhibition.  All in all, a fulfilling day!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Skyping with my sista!!!

It's been ages since we've spoken much... what with her in Ohio doing most of the overseeing of Mom's care... though Mom's in a home, in a special Alzheimer's unit, there are still many doctor visits, appointments and just plain old visiting that my sister does for our Mom.  It was great to Skype with her today, even though our video wasn't working... She will check if the home has wi-fi so I can Skype with both my sis and mom at the same time.  Sweet.

fixed the kitchen light:)

..the kitchen light which hasn't worked for a few months... I changed the bulb, it came on then off again.  Of course, did I think the new bulb burnt out right away?  No.... So months later, I pulled off the globe, unscrewed the old bulb, which did have that burnt look to it and it rattled when I shook it, and put in the new one.  Ta Da!  Kitchen light works:)