Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Luckily the shelf with the plants broke my fall...

Yes, really.... While doing some Spring cleaning today, I was washing walls.  I very cautiously was standing on a sturdy stool and stepped down, not quite as carefully.  Though I managed not to step into the bucket of sudsy warm water, I bumped into it and leaned/fell onto the shelf on the window ledge.  Said fall bruised up my right forearm pretty good, and smashed up a perfectly good fruit crate (at least on one side) but it succeeded in keeping me from further injuring myself by falling into or out of the window and or slipping on the now wet floor from the spilled bucket.  The really good news is, that the make shift shelf, which consists of two bed foot boards wedged between the radiator and the window sill did not waver in the slightest.  A little bruised, perhaps more cautious, but lucky nonetheless.:)

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