Monday, April 29, 2013

where's that Rumi quote when you need it?

Ok, So I am finally back after neglecting my New Year's resolution and luck journal.... for a long time...due to several factors:

  • computer problems.....had my motherboard replaced and now my copy of Windows comes up as fake...trying to resolve this 3 plus weeks later...
  • trolling a web site looking for that love partner...not going so good
  • losing my focus
But now Spring is really here and I'd like to jump back on the band wagon....The Rumi quote I'm referring to is something about not looking for that person but instead look inside at the reasons you resist intimacy.....(something like that...)

I'm very lucky to be me, living where I live, enjoying the life I do with an awesome job, beautiful city and many great friends.:)  I need to let it go and see what happens.....

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