Tuesday, September 17, 2013

first day of school snafus...

Whoa, was I ever glad when today was over!  I thought I knew how to get to my new school, but it turns out, I didn't......Got off at the wrong metro stop, had to call several times and after 30 minutes said this isn't right, I'm going back to the metro.  Turns out, I got off one stop too early.......ooops.

Luckily a tutor came to meet me at the metro and walk me in...lol.....Good thing because by then I was flustered, frustrated and tired of walking around.

Missed my first conversation club (1 hour long) and my second class of the day (2 hours long) was a new one that no one showed up for......yes, really.  The good thing was after all that, I think I know how to get to school and I got to leave at 8:45 and will still get paid at least for the 8:00 class.  Whew:)

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