Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I finally had some of my favorite photos printed to have with me in China.  Quite a few from the past few years of living in foreign lands, in 8 X 10 so I can hang them in my new apartment.

second to the last sunday of work

This is cause for celebration!!!! Sunday hours are the worst...so I'm feeling quite happy that next week are oral exams, then little class parties afterwards.  woot woot!!

thinking about packing...

My suitcases has been open sitting on the floor since before I got this new job in China... I'm realizing I'm spending a lot more time thinking about packing, than actually doing it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

second hand shopping

Shopping for second hand clothes is one of my favorite past times here in Kyiv... The used clothing market is huge, with booths and stacks upon stacks of clothes just waiting to be picked over, gone through, and messed up, all in search of a bargain:)  Had a good time here again today and found two summer dresses, which I desperately need for China.

grateful for my room mate

Since I have to have a room mate here in Ukraine..... I'm glad I've gotten to know Jonfen... he's a cool young dude from Virginia, and we both hope he gets an equally cool room mate when I'm gone.

contract in hand

Well, sort of... signed contract on the computer via email... signed by both sides, looks like going to China has just become "really real"!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

extra hours!?

Due to some unexpected changes with teachers, for my last 3 weeks of work here in Kyiv, I will be getting an extra 4 hours work weekly!  Wow, that's great news for me since I'll need the cash for starting out in China!

the longest day

For most folks, Sunday is a "day of rest".... takin' it easy, watching football, hanging around the house, visiting friends, going to the movies, the mall, etc. Since I've been teaching in Ukraine, not so.  Sunday is our longest work day. We have classes from 11 am till 8 pm.  (summer classes end at 5:45 pm)

The diligent students have English class 3 times a week.  Since I'm done here after early November, I'll be going back to t more regular schedule... week days, day time teaching...Hoorah!!!!! Sundays will once again become my "day of rest".

Saturday, October 19, 2013

the waiting game

Today I finished up all my paper work for China!  How long could this possibly take?  Six hours, 4 rides on the metro, 1 bus ride and 3 marshutka rides....whew?!!!!  Feeling satisfied and accomplished!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

change of schedule

Well, how strange ..... a change of schedule in the middle of a semester... Apparently a teacher left suddenly at my old school, and a new teacher was taken from my current school, and I'm now switched around with some new classes plus some of my old ones... Oh well, go with the flow.  Either I'll have 4 hours more each week (more money is good, since I'm leaving in a few weeks) or I'll have to work 4 hours less on Sundays... which is also good.  win/win

feeling excited:)

Now that the tests are done and I'm just waiting to get results, the excitement is mounting!

Monday, October 14, 2013

medical tests

Today I got all the testing done for my medical clearance for China... Amazing to me that I could go to the Doc's office, get 4 vials of blood taken, drop a urine sample, have an EKG and a chest X ray, all in about 2 hours.  The cost was $60.  Gotta love it!  I don't think even one vial of blood for some test would be that cheap in USA.

I also had to go to a different clinic for an AIDS test, required by China.  Dr. David had to make several phone calls to confirm there is a place nearby that does them.  It was my lucky day!  The nurse called me a taxi, gave them strict instructions where to take me, and I got there!

For around $10. I had my blood drawn and will get my results Friday.  I have no worries, had this when I left PC over a year ago, and haven't had any action in well over 2 years....:(

Should have all my test results Friday, get Doc to fill in forms, stamp it, I'll get is scanned and emailed to China...woot woot!

sundays kick my butt

Wow, I'm always surprised by how much an 8 hour day takes out of me!  That and the weirdness of working all day when my usual schedule is evenings... I will be happy to work day time hours soon!

grateful to be older...

Yep, today at 10;20 p.m. I turned another year older....whew!

Friday, October 11, 2013

I'm moving to China!

Wow, I'm going to China!  Asap after the end of this semester (over November 3rd), provided the paper work gets going, done and to the right people.  Finally received and signed the contract and the foreigner expert form, along with getting some passport sized photos taken for the papers (not so great looking)..... Finally got the papers emailed today and have the medical appointment on Monday!  woot woot!!!!


omg... a phone interview and for a university job in eastern China that I am quite into....whew!!! It went well and they offered me a job!!! wow, now just to get this timing part down.\!

going nuts

Yes, I mean a little more nuts than usual... been feeling antsy...ooh, a job offer in China?  whoa... and a university that I was really interested in...

china is lookin' good...

There seem to be quite a few interested parties in China... hhhmmm...maybe I could end up there after all...

behind again:(

Monday had me worrying about where will I go?  What will I do?  Struggling to stay positive.... oh, my room mate is on vacation and I have the apartment to myself..... positive vibes back:)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

who me, worry?

yep, right now, mostly concerned about the timing of this job ending and having the next one lined up...whew...it's ok, I did that coming here:)

pumpkin soup

I have been dreaming of pumpkin soup since I bought this huge half pumpkin.... and it was delicious.....

Scrambling for jobs....

With this semester concluding on November 1st, I'm now being asked if I'm staying here since my contract finishes up.  Wow, I've been in Ukraine a whole year!!!!  Though I really enjoy the job, my apartment, living and traveling from here, the "new" has worn off.  The shine has dulled.  I feel ready and antsy to move ahead.  So now, I am looking for my next adventure that fits into my time frame......hhhhhhmmmmm... where will it be?

Destination: Serbia?

Today I had a Skype interview for an editing position in Belgrade, Serbia.  It sounds like an unusual job with an outsourcing company, and this would be a start up in Belgrade.  Slightly scary, but this could be quite an adventure!  The entire culture of Serbia is quite similar/overlapping with Croatia, where my grand parents immigrated from.... hhhhmmm... is the mother land calling me?

Here is a photo of a dish that is Croatian, but also listed as Serbian.... green beans and potatoes with a lovely rouxe, made with fatty bacon (called sallow here).... comforting, and reminds me of my Aunt Pauline (Penny).  My brother used to love this stuff, according to mom, but once he found out about rouxe, he changed his mind....rouxe is fat and flour...and is popular in many Serbo-Croatian dishes...check it out

miss you Vicki

The anniversary of my daughter's passing is upon me yet again.  October 1st is a mournful day for me.  Now that it's been 7 years, the circle of those who remember, who reach out to me, who acknowledge it, grows smaller.  Maybe it's always been like that.  Those of us who hold her in our heart remember every day.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


So the weather has been unseasonably cold all month and now there is still no heat in the school where I work!  More than once, I had to ask myself, is this Mongolia or Ukraine?  Though it was certainly cold in September in Mongolia (snow on September 10th, dead garden, sad memories) there at least was heat!!!!