Monday, October 14, 2013

medical tests

Today I got all the testing done for my medical clearance for China... Amazing to me that I could go to the Doc's office, get 4 vials of blood taken, drop a urine sample, have an EKG and a chest X ray, all in about 2 hours.  The cost was $60.  Gotta love it!  I don't think even one vial of blood for some test would be that cheap in USA.

I also had to go to a different clinic for an AIDS test, required by China.  Dr. David had to make several phone calls to confirm there is a place nearby that does them.  It was my lucky day!  The nurse called me a taxi, gave them strict instructions where to take me, and I got there!

For around $10. I had my blood drawn and will get my results Friday.  I have no worries, had this when I left PC over a year ago, and haven't had any action in well over 2 years....:(

Should have all my test results Friday, get Doc to fill in forms, stamp it, I'll get is scanned and emailed to China...woot woot!

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