Sunday, October 6, 2013

Destination: Serbia?

Today I had a Skype interview for an editing position in Belgrade, Serbia.  It sounds like an unusual job with an outsourcing company, and this would be a start up in Belgrade.  Slightly scary, but this could be quite an adventure!  The entire culture of Serbia is quite similar/overlapping with Croatia, where my grand parents immigrated from.... hhhhmmm... is the mother land calling me?

Here is a photo of a dish that is Croatian, but also listed as Serbian.... green beans and potatoes with a lovely rouxe, made with fatty bacon (called sallow here).... comforting, and reminds me of my Aunt Pauline (Penny).  My brother used to love this stuff, according to mom, but once he found out about rouxe, he changed his mind....rouxe is fat and flour...and is popular in many Serbo-Croatian dishes...check it out

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