Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ukranian Chocolate

A wonderful and tasty treat - delectable Roshen chocolate is made right here in Ukraine.  I was first introduced to this amazing concoction while in Mongolia.  They produce many different types of individually wrapped candies, including some great toffees, and whole bars or varying percentages of cacao.  I made some scrumptious brownies this afternoon with a dark chocolate bar  ......mmmmmm ....yum.....chocolate heaven!!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A seat on public transportation

....can be a rare and pleasant thing!  Today I was lucky enough to get a seat on the marshutka and the metro, both to and from work.  wow.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

sunshine... again...

Oh, maybe I am now not quite so behind, but today is Monday and I am soooo excited that the sun is shining brightly again.  This is several days in a row now.  There is a bit of Spring time in the air, and the daily sunshine reminds me of Mongolia...... aaaaaahhhh

gardening time...:)

Today I'm lucky and thankful because I could concoct a make shift window sill, even though my window is huge, it doesn't really have one.  Using what appears to be two head/foot boards which my flat mate found in her closet, I wedged them on the radiator, thus making a handy dandy sill for germinating some flower and veg seeds.  I love gardening!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sunshine on Saturday

Gotta love it when the sun is shining and there is a bit of Spring in the air as there was here today!

Friday with the work clan

So the boss planned a big outing for us on our day off and many of the teachers, including me, signed up to attend.  We were going to bowl (a popular and somewhat classy activity here), then dancing.

Turns out that it's Men's Day so all the places were booked.  Instead, we met up at a pub near my neighborhood for a couple beers, a snack and a little conversation.

hooked on Southland...

...that TV show about cops in LA... started by watching the latest season 5, episode 1.... was so intrigued by characters, that I am now watching backwards...sorta... season 4, now working on season 3...thankful for such entertainment:)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

When is a Power Outage a Lucky Event?

Sounds like a joke, huh?  Well, the answer is when it's only in your school and you and your students all get to leave an hour early.  (after waiting about 15 minutes for the power to return).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Walking Dead

Those of you wise enough to be hooked on this show know exactly what I'm talkin' about.... the rest of you need to get with the program and get into some of the best sh*t on TV!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pushing the limits...

This can sometimes be a good thing, and at other times not so good.  Pushing your personal limits can cause growth and open your mind to other possibilities..... However, the kind of pushing I attempted today was the silly, insanity kind.

Let me explain....Though I consider myself to be a fairly bright individual....sometimes when things don't work quite how I am expecting them to work, my brain takes a few moments to catch up to the reality of the situation.

Today while going to work, I entered the Metro (subway) station, took my token out my pocket, inserted it into the slot and proceeded through the opening... This is just a slot, not an actual turn-style, though it's open, and when you either press your metro card to the reader, or put your token into the slot, you are allowed to pass through.  Or, as in my case, for some unknown reason, the barrier snapped across.  Hmmmmp, I thought the first time this happened, and I stepped back a little and tried again...This second time the barrier snapped there, I hit my left hand on I was feeling a little confused and pissy.  As I was going for a third try (a charm, or really insanity) the lady monitor leaned out of her booth and started chatting/yelling at me in Russian.

Of course I didn't have a clue what she was actually saying, though I believe it must've been something like, "hey crazy lady, come over here".  I proceeded to where she was and said to her in English, "but I put my token in".  She of course, understood me, and motioned me through the turn-style next to her booth.  I imagine this turn-style to be there for just such occasions.

Since I am a lucky person, she and I understood each other and I got through to proceed on my way to work, unharmed and slightly amused at my own foolishness.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Skype is just like the Jetsons!

For those who remember that great cartoon, The Jetson's..... skype is just like the picture phone they used!  That's what my son Pete always says.... the very son I just saw and spoke with back in Ohio.  What an awesome thing to be able to connect on such an up close and personal level with loved ones far away!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Here's to new friends...

Today I was lucky enough to finally get to attend a local expat group activity.  I've been attempting to go to one of these events since December...Many times there is a conflict with my work hours and the parties that usually occur on Thursday evenings.  Finally today there was a museum outing, with a guide.  Aside from me, 15 people signed up online....woot woot!  When I got there I was the first there and only 2 others showed.  Turns out that's not such a bad thing.... After the museum, we went for coffee and dessert and chatted awhile.  Here's to the possibility of some new acquaintances becoming friends!

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Great Outdoors

Today was exciting and lucky because I walked around and enjoyed the fresh air and the lovely city where I live.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

St. Valentine was a romantic

I am grateful to have a great apartment, a semi normal room mate and a job I like.....Even though I don't have a valentine this year, one of my students got me a plant.....sweet:)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Notes from the Universe

I am lucky to receive messages from the universe.  Every day.  In the form of an email.  If you have never heard of these, you are in for a treat!

Add a little inspiration, and maybe even some luck to your day by going to, and answering a few questions.  You then start to receive daily motivational fun and quirky emails.  It's sorta like an email hug:).

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Following

If you have not heard of this new show, I am recommending you give it a go!  I am lucky today to have just downloaded episode 4 today.

The title refers to a cult.... got your interest yet?  Kevin Bacon is an alcoholic (if not just a major problem drinker) former FBI agent who cracked the case of a serial killer, whose victims were all beautiful young women.  Years later, the killer, a charismatic former college literature professor, escapes from prison.

Of course there are many twists and turns, a revenge plot, the cult of minions who are grateful to do the bidding of the evil uncovered romantic relationship between our hero and the killer's wife (ex wife now).....I have become a follower of the following.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Internet access is an amazing thing...

Sometimes I forget just how awesome it is to have high speed wireless internet in my apartment!   Until it's not working that is,  Iike last night when I wanted to skype.... However,  the bright side is I got it working this morning, after jiggling, re-plugging and re-starting!  yippee skippy I say!

Sunday is my Monday

..which is the first day of the work week and my longest working day, clocking in at a full 8 hours.  wow.... I sure am lucky to work only part time and make an adequate living!  hoorah for me:)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Salad Days

Though I've never quite understood what the term means in general, to me salad days are great days!  I'm so lucky to be able to assemble and enjoy a fresh salad like this one.... with young greens, fresh beets and yams (which I roasted in my working oven) and feta cheese.  Yummmmmy.  If that wasn't enough to get your taste buds working.... it was nicely dressed with some recently blended Good Seasons Italian dressing.  (my favorite, thanks sis!)..and I had eaten most of it before I remembered to snap a photo:)

Friday, Feb. 8th....

Can't believe I was on the internet and didn't get on here and post last evening....oy...I was lucky enough to be too busy dreaming and planning my next holiday.... I think perhaps to Croatia.....Now to find the absolute cheapest way to go....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday is my Friday

..and the start of the weekend is here!  Can I get a woot woot?!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February thaw

Today I'm thankful for the current thawing process.  I walked back to my apartment from the Metro station (15 minute walk) and most of the sidewalks were clear and the bridge was totally clean and ice free!  woot woot!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nose Piercing....

Today I consider myself very lucky to have been able to get my nose stud back in, not once, but twice today.....  What the what? you may be thinking to yourself... How in the world....

Let me go back to the fact that I have been wanting to get my nose pierced since Vicki died.  That's been over 6 years ago.  Before she was cremated I thought about taking her nose jewelry, getting my nose pierced and wearing hers.  I chose to leave all her jewelry on her...including many ear rings and a stud underneath her lower lip.  These were all hers and should stay that way.....

So to remind me of her, I have considered the nose piercing for quite awhile.  The time never quite seemed right.... I was ready to do it before joining the Peace Corps, then opted not to when I found out I was going to Mongolia and PC said it was a conservative country..... People there frown upon piercings and tattoos.....

Anyway, finally while on vacation in the UK a month ago, I told my friend Jo B., hey I wanna get my nose pierced I did.  It makes me think of Vicki and it makes me feel sassy and pretty.

I have a tendency to fiddle with it sometimes....and today was one of those days... It's just one of those things that you think.....I know I shouldn't touch it....just leave it alone..... then I am drawn to do it all the more.... so twice I unthinkingly knocked/pulled it out.... Ow... the first time this morning I got it back in after a few minutes and vowed to leave it alone.  Later, while getting ready for work, I carelessly blew my nose, and ended up yanking it out with the tissue.... This time I was angry... After a few minutes of messing with it, I closed my eyes, and let it find it's way back in by feel alone..... So that's the trick.....

One that I hope I don't have to use again too soon.... After all the playing with it, my nose is now a little on the sensitive side

Sunday, February 3, 2013

challenges of being grateful....

So this whole luck blog started as a New Year's resolution to be grateful every day, focus on gratitude for all the good things in life and assist myself in becoming a "lucky person".  As a wise man pointed out on on New Year's Day, luck is in part, perspective, and how you view events and experiences in your life.  

He told a story about a man who was in a bank when a robbery occurred.  This man happened to get shot during the course of the robbery.  A stray bullet hit him in the right upper arm, going through and through.

When later asked by a reporter about this horrendous event, the trauma of the robbery, the pain of being shot...... he said..... "I am the luckiest person I know.  I am so fortunate to have only been shot in the arm and the bullet when through and through.  I am very grateful".  This is the glass half full kind of attitude I strive to remember and practice every day.  

Sunday is Skype Day!!!

 Skype is one of the greatest ever tools available for staying connected across the globe!  It's also the best day of the week for me to connect with far away family and friends!  Though I missed my grand baby today, I'll catch them next week per my son....  Today I had the pleasure of chatting with Sharayah in Oregon and Courtney, Carter and Cody in Ohio!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mild Weather Gratitude

I saw on Facebook that Puxsatawny Phil did not see his shadow today... early Spring? Or do I have that reversed....? It sure felt like Spring here today in Kiev.  The sun was shining, and though still in the 30's, the snow has been melting recently and has the feel of the coming warmth and freshness.  I'll take it even if it's only for a day.

Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013

One down, 11 to go...months that is  It's a little more challenging that I'd anticipated, attempting to post daily... Today was a lucky day....of course.  I am fortunate enough to be able to buy my prescription meds that I've taken for years (Effexor anti-depressants) here.  I did have to talk to one doc, visit another (with the help of Ira, interpreter/teacher services gal) and got the RX.  

I actually found the pharmacy after some confusion on my part, but got my prescription filled just fine.  And it's quite a bit cheaper than in the USA.... about $65. for a one month supply of extended release capsules.  Now, we'll just see if they work as well (they are manufactured in Hungary).