Sunday, February 3, 2013

challenges of being grateful....

So this whole luck blog started as a New Year's resolution to be grateful every day, focus on gratitude for all the good things in life and assist myself in becoming a "lucky person".  As a wise man pointed out on on New Year's Day, luck is in part, perspective, and how you view events and experiences in your life.  

He told a story about a man who was in a bank when a robbery occurred.  This man happened to get shot during the course of the robbery.  A stray bullet hit him in the right upper arm, going through and through.

When later asked by a reporter about this horrendous event, the trauma of the robbery, the pain of being shot...... he said..... "I am the luckiest person I know.  I am so fortunate to have only been shot in the arm and the bullet when through and through.  I am very grateful".  This is the glass half full kind of attitude I strive to remember and practice every day.  

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