Monday, February 18, 2013

Pushing the limits...

This can sometimes be a good thing, and at other times not so good.  Pushing your personal limits can cause growth and open your mind to other possibilities..... However, the kind of pushing I attempted today was the silly, insanity kind.

Let me explain....Though I consider myself to be a fairly bright individual....sometimes when things don't work quite how I am expecting them to work, my brain takes a few moments to catch up to the reality of the situation.

Today while going to work, I entered the Metro (subway) station, took my token out my pocket, inserted it into the slot and proceeded through the opening... This is just a slot, not an actual turn-style, though it's open, and when you either press your metro card to the reader, or put your token into the slot, you are allowed to pass through.  Or, as in my case, for some unknown reason, the barrier snapped across.  Hmmmmp, I thought the first time this happened, and I stepped back a little and tried again...This second time the barrier snapped there, I hit my left hand on I was feeling a little confused and pissy.  As I was going for a third try (a charm, or really insanity) the lady monitor leaned out of her booth and started chatting/yelling at me in Russian.

Of course I didn't have a clue what she was actually saying, though I believe it must've been something like, "hey crazy lady, come over here".  I proceeded to where she was and said to her in English, "but I put my token in".  She of course, understood me, and motioned me through the turn-style next to her booth.  I imagine this turn-style to be there for just such occasions.

Since I am a lucky person, she and I understood each other and I got through to proceed on my way to work, unharmed and slightly amused at my own foolishness.

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