Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nose Piercing....

Today I consider myself very lucky to have been able to get my nose stud back in, not once, but twice today.....  What the what? you may be thinking to yourself... How in the world....

Let me go back to the fact that I have been wanting to get my nose pierced since Vicki died.  That's been over 6 years ago.  Before she was cremated I thought about taking her nose jewelry, getting my nose pierced and wearing hers.  I chose to leave all her jewelry on her...including many ear rings and a stud underneath her lower lip.  These were all hers and should stay that way.....

So to remind me of her, I have considered the nose piercing for quite awhile.  The time never quite seemed right.... I was ready to do it before joining the Peace Corps, then opted not to when I found out I was going to Mongolia and PC said it was a conservative country..... People there frown upon piercings and tattoos.....

Anyway, finally while on vacation in the UK a month ago, I told my friend Jo B., hey I wanna get my nose pierced tomorrow...so I did.  It makes me think of Vicki and it makes me feel sassy and pretty.

I have a tendency to fiddle with it sometimes....and today was one of those days... It's just one of those things that you think.....I know I shouldn't touch it....just leave it alone..... then I am drawn to do it all the more.... so twice I unthinkingly knocked/pulled it out.... Ow... the first time this morning I got it back in after a few minutes and vowed to leave it alone.  Later, while getting ready for work, I carelessly blew my nose, and ended up yanking it out with the tissue.... This time I was angry... After a few minutes of messing with it, I closed my eyes, and let it find it's way back in by feel alone..... So that's the trick.....

One that I hope I don't have to use again too soon.... After all the playing with it, my nose is now a little on the sensitive side

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