Monday, March 4, 2013

macaroni & cheese

Yes, I am back to food gratitude:)  Sunday is my long day at school, an actual full work day, lol.  I start at 11 am and finish at 8 pm.  I have two 15 minute breaks plus a half hour break in there.  Knowing myself as I do, and how I can't go without food for more than a few hours, I always pack lunch and snacks.

After eating a bowl of oatmeal with sugar, cinnamon and bananas for breakfast, I packed the following to stave off hunger during the long day ahead:  Two small peanut butter and jam (raspberry) sandwiches, a mini strawberry yogurt, a small pack of pretzels, an apple, a small pack of peanut M & M's and a packet of instant coffee.

More than sufficient calories and tasty treats to keep me going, awake and lively during this "regular" for most people work day, but the longest day of the week for me.  I always find myself dreaming about what to cook when I get home, partial almost hunger, the other part my food obsession.  So last night it was mac & cheese.... I was thinking oh, I have some shell macaroni, can whip up a white sauce and put in that Viola brand creamy cheese (fake cheese food in a tub that taste sorta like Velveeta) and tear up some of the swiss as well.  Pop it in the oven, after I chop up some of the bit of ham I have in the fridg, bake it for a short time, while the fresh brussel sprouts I had cleaned and put over to cook finished up and.....yep, I had fresh mac & cheese with ham and brussel sprouts for dinner.  Brilliant and tasty:)

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