Sunday, March 17, 2013


The start of a week long "Russian lent"... this pancake festival is very common and popular here in Ukraine, with such a large Orthodox population.
My flat mate and I decided to try this local one (one metro stop away from us) and it was so frigid outside we didn't last long...However, many folks were having picnics outside, bringing their own wine and vodka...

these two guys in traditional costume, eating caviar on bread were happy to pose:)

scary faceless woman in traditional clothes

the lovely chapel this festival was nearby

Not finding any traditional pancakes without a livery, meat substance, we didn't have any.  Nor were we excited about caviar, so no to that too.  We didn't stay long enough to see if there was any fistfighting, but it was fun anyhow:)
this woman and several others were the entertainment, doing traditional dancing and singing....


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