Friday, May 31, 2013

rain storms...

A storm is coming...I can feel it in the air.  The way the wind is blowing, fiercely and constantly, turning the leaves on the trees inside out.  I love the sound of the wind when it's like this.  The air is different too.... the smell of rain... an earthy quenching odor that makes me smile.  The way the rain sounds as it gently falls, nourishing the earth, and me.

pay day

Thank goodness for payday!  Our technical, actual payday is always on a Sunday, but thankfully, we usually get paid on Thursday before, which is the last day of our work week.  Woot woot, cuz I'm out of coffee!  ...was...

My friend Richard

I am so lucky to have a great friend in Richard.  He is an open and honest sounding board for most of my musings about what to do, where to go and what I want.  Thanks for your friendship:)

moving on in my head

...that's where it usually starts... a thought....hhhmmm... what will I do next?  where should I go after here?  And now I'm thinking about it quite a bit and seriously.  Though at this point I know I will stay here through my one year contract period, which is till November.... I am sometimes overwhelmed at the idea of having to plan what next, though at the same time the excitement is awesome!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

freedoms of being an American...

Often I forget that as an American I have so much more freedom than many other nationalities.  For instance, Ukrainians have difficulty traveling to countries in the EU, and to most other Westernized places.  Just like in the USA, many countries think everyone wants to come and stay.  (well, I know sometimes that is true).  But.... I am often reminded how fortunate I am to be an American citizen,with the ability to travel around to most anywhere in the world freely.


Since it's Sunday, my usual Skype day.... I  had a chance to visit with my friend and "surrogate daughter" as I lovingly refer to her, Courtney.  We were to talk at 2 pm her time, 9 mine.  My computer was ringing with her calling, and I was pleasantly surprised to find her husband, Cody at the other end!  Court was on her way home with Carter and she had Cody call me.  It was great to catch up with him for a bit, then barely of glimpse of Carter as they came in and she put him down for a nap.  Which he of course was very reluctant to take, but eventually he quieted down and fell asleep.
It's always fun and feels like home to chat with Courtney:)  I love you girl!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kyiv celebrates being over 1,000 years old!!!!

Whew, what an ancient city this is!!!!  My roomie, Rebecca and I went downtown to check out the festivities... being early in the day (3:30 p.m.) they were still setting up many things.  Guess we were too early, but working Sundays is a hindrance to a late Saturday.

a parade of teen age teams who competed in "Olympic" games

how do they do that?

love this fountain....first time I've seen it spraying water!

Since there wasn't much happening around the square, some people milling around, music, lots of much tempting ice cream... we decided to go to the Pinchuk Art gallery..  Pinchuk is a hidden gem in Kyiv, a free gallery that changes it fascinating installations every couple of months.  Today we saw an amazing exhibition of art from Chinese artists.  There were many huge installation pieces, and it made me want to go back to Asia.... Maybe China....  It was my other option before I chose Ukraine.....hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Friday, May 24, 2013

what and where next?

Now that I am feeling more comfortable with my job and life in Kiev, it's coming to a time when I must think about where I will go from here.  I do have a one year contract which is not up until November, and I think I want to extend it.  As we say in Ohio, lord willing and the creek don't rise, this option will pan out.

However, my life experience has taught me there is wisdom in having a plan B, and perhaps even a plan C... just in case.

I have also heard through the grapevine, that possibly in 2014 Ukraine will have stricter visa guidelines.  These new guidelines would mean you cannot leave the country and return unless you stay gone for 90 days.  Ow.... this would totally hinder my traveling abilities.... So we shall see.  I'm exploring plan B and C options...any ideas?

oh my gosh...another episode of Game of Thrones...

It dawned on me today, I may have missed the most recent episode of Game of thrones...and much to my surprise and excitement, I had... I anxiously found and downloaded it, then watched it!  This show has sucked me in from the very first episode and I wait with breathless anticipation for the next episode....just like a long gone lover I am pining for.....Game of Thrones never ever fails to fully satisfy me:)


...was the word I kept dwelling on today... It's a glorious feeling to believe that the world, your life, and your circumstances right now are rife with possibilities.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Great classes!

Ok, so now maybe I'm sounding like a broken record, but, man I really have some great classes to teach again this semester!  Have you ever had a job that really gets you going, makes you happy to go to work, and you have fun doing?  You know it when it happens, and if it hasn't happened to you, maybe it's time to look for a new job!

love partner?

I had an ephiphany of sorts today.....Is it possible for my job, that I really, really love, to be my love partner in 2013????

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Grateful for Gretchen

..thats my lovely grand daughter... I'm very happy to have been able to skype with her and Pete and Nicole today:)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

First hairdresser visit in Ukraine!

.. a great success!  Had a nice trim/shaping and color, all for around $30.  The salon is in my neighborhood and it's a busy little place but I was lucky enough to get an appointment today.  It always feels so good to have someone do my hair!

Game of Thrones...

I was soooo excited to get caught up on the last two episodes of my favorite show!  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Honey, I'm Home!

This is what my computer said to me yesterday after I brought her home!!  My thanks to Bobby at F1 for taking her home and fixing her up!  It was a long, long wait however and quite a quest yesterday to find the other office where he was working to pick it up.  (Ok, it's an it, but I love it and was lost without it/her)

With Bobby's limited English skills and my non existent Russian, it was a long afternoon of me finding my way to where he was.  First I thought he was at the close location where I originally met him working,  but it was not that easy.  He texted me the name of the metro station and first I said no I don't think so, you bring it to me.  He was working days, and I was scheduled to start back to work after our break this evening....

I finally thought, I'll find you and my computer!  Hey, I just traveled alone for 6 days, I can manage.  So I told him, ok, I'm on my way and I'll call you when I get to the metro.  It's a straight shot, but about 10 stations down.....So once there I showed the address to a couple people. One young man didn't know, but he did speak English.  A middle aged lady selling plants, though she didn't speak English, wrote  down for me a marshutka number and wrote where I should get off.

I called Bobby and asked him how to get there.... He told me a different marshutka number (550) and to get off at the 5th stop.  Of course, initially I was at the wrong stop, when I finally asked a teen who pointed out the way to the correct place.  I went there and waited and waited, texted's still not here.  I then got on the 550 and he texted me back to take the 477...... lol.  I counted the stops and got off.  Then I called him.  He said, good, I am close, wait there.  I am coming with your computer.....I was soooo excited!!!! Just like a long lost friend I've been missing, can't wait!!!!

No sign of him..... a few minutes later he calls me, saying I'm here and I don't see you... He asked me where are you?  I laugh and say, I have no idea where I am..... I counted 5 stops and got, let me ask this man standing next to me to talk to you..... they chat...Bobby tells me to go with this guy on the 22 trolley and it should be 2 stops... Ok great... The guy asks me if I speak French...of course not.... English?  No, but he helps me to the trolley, and when we get to the second stop, I ask this one?  No, he nods, but just then Bobby is leaning in the trolley, Joanne! here, get off.....

Ah, what an adventure...... I laughed that he had seen me and told him the guy said no not yet.... lol.  He showed me my computer, all fixed, etc... And I thanked him and we laughed and laughed about my trying to find the place!  I got to see a new part of Kiev I hadn't seen before... He walked me across the underground walkway to the other side and said get on the 550 and go go go.......You will find your way:)  I always do...

The countryside of Ukraine!!!!

My friend Linda invited me to go with her to the countryside today. I'd met her friend Pat once at Linda's and Pat and her husband (they're from UK) are foster parents to 4 teens and live in a village about half an hour outside of the city.  A couple hours of weeding cured my hankering for a garden.... but it was great to go barefoot in the dirt!

Planting Spinach a garden box in my window today:)  I ate a lovely salad from some of my home grown greens today, and decided it was time to replenish them.  I also transplanted three little tomato plants that I started from seed I bought in the UK.

pondering a visit to my other home

Today I started thinking maybe I need to visit Ohio and my mom and other loved ones in the not too distant future.  This thought was spurred on by recent email conversations with my sister... Our mom is in a home and has Alzheimers.  Even if she doesn't especially remember when I've been around, I will remember.  I'm pretty lucky to have such a great sister.


Without a computer, and several days till I return to work, I have decided to make a small sunflower wall hanging for my kitchen.  I went to the second hand market and picked through many piles of bedding, table cloths, etc. for just the right colors.  I also went to the yarn and craft lady in the nearby market for straight pins, some embroidery floss and beads....I haven't found just plain old fabric anywhere, but this will do.  The planning and thinking about a project is sometimes as much fun as the actual doing and completing it!

glad to be back

Home is where the heart is... isn't that the saying?  Well, then I have many homes, and the one I'm living in right now is amazing.  Though I was jonesing for my computer, I enjoy the tranquility and the beautiful scent blowing in my window from the lilacs and various other gorgeous trees in bloom.

May 9th....the kindness of random strangers when you travel:)

If I didn't realize how lucky I was before, this day proved it to me.... What a humorous fiasco to leave Poland and return to Ukraine.... I had purchased my train ticket two days early, taking with me a note, kindly written by a young hostel employee.  This note was to ensure that my ticket was for the 9th, not the day I was buying it, which was the 7th.... I went, bought the ticket and of course, you guessed it, didn't check the date.  Always double check.  The one time you don't check is when it will assuredly be wrong.

So this morning, I'm packing up getting ready to go to the train, check my ticket and see it's dated for the 7th.  Ow.  Talk to another young hostel employee and she writes me a note in Polish explaining, ticket was to be for the 9th, not the 7th.  I've spent my money down to the wire and have just enough zlotis left to get across the border by bus and to Lviv to catch my train.  The train will take me close, but I must catch a bus, at 7:30 p.m. from near the train station.  This bus will take me directly to Lviv, where my night train will deliver me back to Kiev in the morning.

At the train station I am told by the first lady, no.  Absolutely No.  You must buy a new ticket.... I give up and go to another ticket spot down the ramp.  This second lady tells me the same thing... Doesn't matter, too bad, so sad, no dice.  The ticket costs 42 zlotis..... I start emptying my wallet, my pockets, check in my purse and come up with just short of 40.  I tell her this is all I have, can you please sell me a ticket.... I then show her some greevna (Ukrainian money) and say here, this is all I have.  

Meanwhile, she continues to yell at me in Polish and finally relents and takes my money and gives me a ticket.  I thank her profusely, in English of course and smile.  She is still yelling at me as I leave with my ticket.  Thank you angry lady!

Once I arrive in the border town, I discover the bus which according to the schedule on the internet, leaves at various times, including 7:30 p.m., no longer exists.  The next and only other one this evening is at 10:05 p.m.  It is now 6 p.m., the train from Lviv leaves at 1:30 a.m. and I may not make it.  Oy.

After speaking with several people, I was advised to take a marshutka (mini bus) to the border, walk through and catch a marshutka there to Lviv.  After walking to two different bus stops, I finally was delivered to the right spot by a teenage boy who carried my backpack for me and told me when the next marshutka came.  I was assured this would take me to a small village, the last place in Poland....... Whew.....I had the name of my destination written down to show and ask about. 

I wait till the appointed time and when the marshutka comes I ask the driver about it.  He shakes his head no.  There is a teenage girl who I ask if she speaks English....she says yes, I can go on this one, but I will have to walk a kilometer to the border.  Worried about getting to the night train on time, I thought, hey, why not and got on.  

The marshutka stopped out in the country on the two lane highway and said ok, go there, pointing down the road.  Ok:)  So I get out and start walking..... luckily I had my Teva sandals on, so my feet were comfy, though once I got there I had to walk through Polish border, no problem, then continue on and on to the Ukraine spot.  

Luckily for me, no overstay fine and I got through just fine, with a smile in fact.  When I asked about a marshutka to Lviv, I was told it was too late, only taxis.  It was now almost 9:30 p.m., Ukraine being one hour ahead of Poland.  Since I didn't have to pay an overstay fine, which I expected I had some money for the taxi ride to Lviv.

I made it to the train station by 11 p.m., and was grateful to be able to use my overnight train ticket.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

more Jewish history today- May 8th

I never liked history in fact, never had much interest or use for it most of my life.  But I have noticed as I get older, the past and historical places, events and people fascinate my little mind.  

Being my last day in Krakow, I thought I'd do a little walking around the Jewish district which my hostel is close to.  I've wandered the area, eaten a great burger with a local beer in a little cafe and seen some of it during the past few days.  However, most of the sights on the map, I'd not yet seen.

So today I walked around and visited the Jewish museum which covered the Holocaust in 5 exhibits and was wonderful.  It's been a few days since I visited Auschwitz and it was just the right amount of information presented beautifully in a series of huge photographs.  I'm very glad I stumbled upon it.

Then I actually found my way to one synagogue and the oldest cemetery in the area.  Very moving and a good way to end my sight seeing here in this lovely and inexpensive city.

Tomorrow I head back to Ukraine via the train from here to a border town.  The border crossing is a worry to me as I overstayed my visa in Ukraine and was advised to walk over into Poland and pay my $100. fee to Ukraine.  Of course, I didn't do that.  I took a free car ride with another American and two young Polish dudes.  Immigration looked, stamped it, here I am.  Just keeping my fingers crossed they'll let me back in.... yea, I actually did save that $100. fee in case I need it to get back in.  

Wawel Castle-May 7th

What a gorgeous place right in the center of the city, an ancient fortress!  I spent several hours today wandering around the grounds, as well as a tour of the rooms, armory and an exhibit about restoration of some of the detailed carvings, architecture and even ornate furnaces.

One of the rooms on the tour has heads carved into the ceiling!  No photos allowed inside, but suffice it to say the detailed ornate art work that was overhead in every room was beyond words.  The room with the heads has first of all, mini frames extending down and a carved head in each, facing downward.  There really should be mats for hire and you could just lie down and admire the art!

The armory was really fascinating (who woulda thought that for a woman?  not me...) but since I have become a die hard Game of Thrones  groupie, I couldn't miss it!  Unbelievable, the detail work on a sword..... a weapon that was really a work of art!  The armor, breast plates, swords, helmets and even horse armor were amazing.  I am enriched by the visit and now am really jonesing for the two episodes of my show I've missed while on this trip.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

polish food

`my kids always like perogies growing up and i still like them.  so i bought some mystery fresh ones at the grocery and fried them up with some onions and enjoyed them with sour cream.  yum yum..... they had cottage cheese in them but were still delicious.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


is a place not for the faint of heart....I was compelled to come to Krakow to visit this monumentally historic place and now I have.  It is somber, mind boggling and tragic.  Even after the Holocaust, man's inhumanity to man continues.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The salt mines .......

What an amazing place to pics because it's not my computer and oh yea, my computer is in the shop again....that's another story.  I am thrilled that I found my way there with the directions of the great staff here at Orange Hostel in Krakow (highly recommended place by me...)...enjoyed the place and found my way back.  Now I'm kinda tired but found a grocery, bought some supplies and now will cook some dinner.

Friday, May 2nd

So today I crossed the border from Ukraine into Poland, via car.  I met an American man and two young Polish guys at the hostel in Lviv.  Suffice it to say they offered me a ride because I said I was from Ohio and believe it or not, the two men, Adam and Peter, will be going to Ohio.  They are part of the work and travel program and will be working in guest parking services at Cedar Point for four months!

On the trip from Lviv to Krakow, we talked about Ohio, their lives, etc.... The only possible glitch is that I did not pay an overstay penalty on my Ukrainian visa..... I was told by a few different people at my school/employer that I must walk across the border, because I should expect to be detained and have to pay an overstay fine....... Well, as a passenger in a car with two Polish guys.... they looked at my passport, me, stamped it and we were on our way.  Hopefully, there will not be a problem on the way back.  However, I am lucky....

Made the train! woot woot:)

This morning found me up and at 'em at 6 am.....the first time in a long time!  I got to the train on time and had a lovely (though tiring) trip to Lviv, a gorgeous city in Western Ukraine.  First leg of the trip done!

Wednesday, April 30th

Today was a great day to have nothing to do except pack for my trip to Poland, and recover from my very late night with the students.  I really know better than to ever drink shots...but who can resist a flaming shot of absinth drank from a skinny straw?  Apparently, not this woman.

awesome students

So Tuesday was the final oral exam for my level 6 students... they all passed and have now completed the entire AEC course.....:(  I went out on the town with 6 of them, and had a great time!  They are such a treasure, both to teach and to hang out with.