Wednesday, May 8, 2013

more Jewish history today- May 8th

I never liked history in fact, never had much interest or use for it most of my life.  But I have noticed as I get older, the past and historical places, events and people fascinate my little mind.  

Being my last day in Krakow, I thought I'd do a little walking around the Jewish district which my hostel is close to.  I've wandered the area, eaten a great burger with a local beer in a little cafe and seen some of it during the past few days.  However, most of the sights on the map, I'd not yet seen.

So today I walked around and visited the Jewish museum which covered the Holocaust in 5 exhibits and was wonderful.  It's been a few days since I visited Auschwitz and it was just the right amount of information presented beautifully in a series of huge photographs.  I'm very glad I stumbled upon it.

Then I actually found my way to one synagogue and the oldest cemetery in the area.  Very moving and a good way to end my sight seeing here in this lovely and inexpensive city.

Tomorrow I head back to Ukraine via the train from here to a border town.  The border crossing is a worry to me as I overstayed my visa in Ukraine and was advised to walk over into Poland and pay my $100. fee to Ukraine.  Of course, I didn't do that.  I took a free car ride with another American and two young Polish dudes.  Immigration looked, stamped it, here I am.  Just keeping my fingers crossed they'll let me back in.... yea, I actually did save that $100. fee in case I need it to get back in.  

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