Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kyiv celebrates being over 1,000 years old!!!!

Whew, what an ancient city this is!!!!  My roomie, Rebecca and I went downtown to check out the festivities... being early in the day (3:30 p.m.) they were still setting up many things.  Guess we were too early, but working Sundays is a hindrance to a late Saturday.

a parade of teen age teams who competed in "Olympic" games

how do they do that?

love this fountain....first time I've seen it spraying water!

Since there wasn't much happening around the square, some people milling around, music, lots of much tempting ice cream... we decided to go to the Pinchuk Art gallery..  Pinchuk is a hidden gem in Kyiv, a free gallery that changes it fascinating installations every couple of months.  Today we saw an amazing exhibition of art from Chinese artists.  There were many huge installation pieces, and it made me want to go back to Asia.... Maybe China....  It was my other option before I chose Ukraine.....hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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