Friday, May 24, 2013

what and where next?

Now that I am feeling more comfortable with my job and life in Kiev, it's coming to a time when I must think about where I will go from here.  I do have a one year contract which is not up until November, and I think I want to extend it.  As we say in Ohio, lord willing and the creek don't rise, this option will pan out.

However, my life experience has taught me there is wisdom in having a plan B, and perhaps even a plan C... just in case.

I have also heard through the grapevine, that possibly in 2014 Ukraine will have stricter visa guidelines.  These new guidelines would mean you cannot leave the country and return unless you stay gone for 90 days.  Ow.... this would totally hinder my traveling abilities.... So we shall see.  I'm exploring plan B and C options...any ideas?

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