Sunday, June 30, 2013

Skype is an awesome thing!

Just spent a lovely hour skyping with that lovely little family in Ohio...Pete, Nicole and Gretchen!  I also saw briefly the boys and a bit of Mr. Vickerz my turtle.  I love you all:)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

another gorgeous day

It's another gorgeous sunny day out and I need to go across town this afternoon to fill my prescription.  so I think I'll try to catch some rays while I'm out! To get to the place that always has my drugs, I walk across to the other end of the island (about 12-15 minutes), then cross the bridge, walk the stairs under the street, come up the other side.  Then I wait for the 211 marshutka and go about 5-6 stops.... I get off just before the big traffic circle, cross under the road to the other side and backtrack about a block to the pharmacy.... I also need to stop and find a pattern to start my "ukrainian style embroidery" on my pillow sham.  

Berlin Bound

In a week I'll be in Berlin..... land of great beer, gorgeous parks, lakes, castles, museums, bike paths, and history of WWII and the holocaust.

I chose this historical city based on several things.... There are so many places I have never been and want to go to that I generally look at air fares and choose where to go for my next vacation.  As it turned out, it was pretty cheap r/t in July for Berlin, so that's where I'll be!


Though I really adore Kyiv, and my job, sometimes I really feel like an outsider here.  Well, duh, you may be saying, of course, you are.  lol.  The exact word came through a conversation with two students who were at a loss for the perfect word for when you live somewhere, it's your home, but you feel like you don't really belong.

Well, what I really mean is I haven't forged any great friendships, bonded deeply with some people, etc.  Not for lack of trying, I least initially I made more attempts to find some friends.... 

There was the Internations group, which I still can't make most activities....Thursday evenings (bi-weekly) I'm in class...till 10, then just getting to the place, may or may not be beneficial to show up.  So I've pretty much given up on those.  I did attend one sightseeing afternoon, with only two others....We hung out, enjoyed the afternoon, but nothing more.  I also went to one of the dinners, spent about 3 times what I normally would for not so great food.... Met two gals I'd like to hang out with more, but with schedules etc, it hasn't happened.

The other teachers are mostly 20 somethings who have bonded over partying and late nights.  Something I surprisingly have not been very into here.  Compared with when I was just in Mongolia, I now have turned into the vagabond granny I am.

I've also been trying to meet a man... for some companionship, friendship, hanging out with and that also has not been going well.  WTF????  Maybe it's just time for more introspection and spiritual growth here....

Wednesday is here and I can't wait for vacation!!!!

This is the point in each semester when my spark for teaching and my motivation starts waning.....It's getting close to the end, and I'm soooo ready for my break and a great vacation!  (Berlin, here I come!)


Today I was observed teaching a class.....this always makes me nervous, despite the fact that the observer is well know to me and she does nothing to make me nervous.  Her mere presence is enough!  I have been a little lacksidasical this summer with my classes, going through the lesson, chatting with students, but feel the need to attempt to be more structured while being observed.  It was all fine in the end...though I did not use the blackboard at all, having turned the desks towards the windows and using only the back part of the room because there is more air flow (breeze) from the windows there. Ah, I may need to break down and buy a fan for my classes.

ooops..falling behind again...

Summertime is here and I'm in a little "it's really hot" funk...need to get over it!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

more books!!!

When confronted with books (in English) that I haven't read, and are available for sale, I will part with my money.  No decision, and not much thought required!

I met my student Andrey, and his girlfriend Tatiana, at a local market which he fondly referred to as "Ukrainian Pirate Bay".  For sale here at this massive outdoor stall market are unfathomable amounts of media, print and otherwise.

Books, magazines, CD's, DVD's, computer software, for sale in stall after stall.   Within 20 minutes I had spent all the money I brought with me on 7 books... One of them is an illustrated book of Ukrainian fairy tales translated into English, which I will happily give to my adorable grand daughter when I return to Ohio for a visit.

Now that I am aware of the relative ease and availability of quality reading material, maybe my fear of lacking reading material will pass.:) 


Having class on Friday is an odd thing for my school.  Since Sunday is a Christian holiday, which in English is called Pentacost, we held our Sunday classes this evening.  Of course, not many students showed up, this being the end of the long work week, but I was there anyway from 6-10 p.m.

I had to ask many classes of students and individuals to figure out this mysterious holiday this coming Sunday....Finally, one group of students together, chatting for several minutes, in a combination of Russian, Ukrainian and a random English word, came up with the notion of an event of the holy spirit coming into the church, and 50 days after Easter.

Armed with this information, I was able to find Pentacost as the English explanation.  As a  Unitarian Universalist, but one who does not consider myself a Christian, I had totally forgotten about this celebration of Christianity.  The word Pentacost though brings to mind the aptly named pentacostal church; one of a strict and conservative religious group.  I'm reminded about my lack of biblical and christian knowledge.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

dental update...

I neglected to comment on how lucky I am with my dental issue.  After going to my appointment a few days ago, my was declared ok.  Not sure if I'm 100% convinced, but I'll take it for now:)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

cute flip flops

Those cute bargain flip flops were not such a great bargain after all:(  After walking in them to the metro (around 10 minutes) they were fine.  At school all evening, ok.  But by the time I walked home from the metro, my feet were screaming/crying and otherwise miserable.  

At my age, my feet, while still appreciating really cute sandals, require good support and comfort.  I will still wear the cute flip flops, only I'll change into them after I've worn the Columbia brand sandals to walk in.

school picture day

Remember as a kid having picture day?  Well, I get to relive this horror, only as the teacher this time.......every semester during the 5th week  of class (out of a total of 7 weeks) we have class pictures.... These are pretty fun, and/or funny and are posted on the schools web site.

Alot can be inferred from these photos, about the students, teachers, relationships, feelings towards each other.  This time, in addition to the class shots, individual teacher photos were taken...Mine is not too bad, I'm smiling, laughing and have a cute dress on!  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Books in English!!!!

Oh my gosh, I am sooo excited, I can hardly write... One of my students, Andrey, is an avid reader of English books.  We have spent many a walk to the metro after class discussing literature (a little) and current books ( alot).  He has a Kindle Fire, far superior to my original b&w Nook.... and has clued me into many sites to download books.
He's even read all the latest Shades of Grey books....just to try and understand!  I have only started reading what I thought was the first one, which turned out to be I purchased the third... I was highly disappointed with it and told him so... seems like a romance novel...

Anyway, Andrey informs me there is a used English book place...a huge market where books are piled up... I'm feeling giddy just writing about it! We discussed it again today, and am looking forward to going there on Saturday with him to pick through books!!!! In English!!!

There are of course lending libraries here, but I need to learn to read Russian for that will ever happen!  

solo sight seeing...

Today I decided to visit the Golden Gate, which is an historic (UNESCO World Heritage Site) here in Kyiv.  It is an amazing place, built around 1037 and according to the audio clip, may be the oldest site in Eastern Europe.  Wow

Friday, June 14, 2013

dental dilemma?!

So the last time I was at the dentist earlier this week and expected she would begin some treatment on my tooth, the x ray machine was broken.  After being told they'd call me after it was repaired, I was skeptical.  However, today I got a call from the clinic telling me the machine is fixed and asking when I'd like to come in.  I have an appointment for an x ray Monday at noon.

Skype Thursday...

Thanks to my friend Linda for a lovely and fun Skype time today!

dry again...

Though there have been almost daily rain storms the past week, I have managed to stay dry on my way to and from places.  Lucky me!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

too wound up

It dawned on me today, that for a self described easy going person, I'm getting pretty wound up over deciding where to visit next.  Seems kinda silly, huh?  I am now reminding myself of the saying about "best laid plans" and will attempt to chill about it, stay as calm as possible and decide when the time is right.  Right now is the time to embrace, enjoy and relax.  The Universe will guide me where I need to be heading.

still pondering where next?

Once the itch to move on has started, it's been difficult to sate.  My mind is constantly abuzz with notions of not only travel to exotic locales, but thoughts of moving to a new country with a new student population.  What the what?, I've been asking myself....  I think it's become too mundane and normal...ah, such is life wherever....*heavy sigh*


What a quiet day at work.  With midterms scheduled, and only one of my 3 classes having a midterm (oral) test today... only 1 of the students in that class (out of 3) showed up and aced the oral exam!  I then spent an hour and a half at the park, playing sudoku on my nook.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

is it still Sunday if I didn't Skype?

Yep, still is:)  No skype dates today, but I think I have one next Sunday.

sleep mask:)

After having lost the sleep mask my friend Mindy gave me in Mongolia.... and wishing I had one several times recently, I found one today at the giant second hand market.  Brand New.  Still in the package!

Friday, June 7, 2013


I have rediscovered the fun in sewing!  Though I miss having a sewing machine, I decided to attempt to create a wall hanging for my kitchen.  This is my finished product and it looks pretty cute hanging up!

foreign dentistry

Well, this is another great dental experience I've had overseas!  Today I had an appointment to go back to the dentist and she checked my tooth and gum area, asked if I was taking the antibiotics, how I felt, etc.. (through some broken English, gesturing and the assistance of another clinic staff member).... and my confidence is way up for this dentist and her abilities!  I return on Monday for further treatment and I'm not freaked out about it! Hoorah!

morning coffee

I really love my morning coffee... especially since I enjoy it while looking at the lovely Miss Gretchen's baby face while I'm drinking it:)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

the good and the bad of my dental issue...

The bad news is, my diagnosis is correct.  There is an infection underneath one of my crowns.  Wah:(

The good news is the dentist (though she doesn't speak English and we had a three way conversation with Ira on the phone and me in the chair...) seems well educated, informed and competent!  She put me on antibiotics today and drained the abscess....ooooh....  She said a couple more appointments and don't worry it will all be well.

More good news is the low cost of dental treatment here.  The bill for seeing the dentist, equals $16., and the weeks worth of antibiotics as well as "pain medication" (which I need to ask someone what this stuff is...) $10.  I imagine in the US todays' visit alone would've cost me 10 times as much.

Monday, June 3, 2013

dentists in Kiev...

Me living in a foreign country just wouldn't be complete without me visiting the dentist now would it?  At least 10 days ago (ok really 2 weeks ago...)I noticed a swelling on the roof of my mouth near the back.  

I of course ignored this as long as possible (at least one week) since it wasn't hurting and I was hoping it would magically go away.  Can't blame a girl for wishful thinking?!  Of course, I finally looked at it and the tooth it corresponds to, and after some internet research, it appears I have an abscess.....never a good thing.  The tooth is one with a crown on it, and since there isn't pain, must have had a root canal.

So finally I called the school doctor (thankfully he speaks English) and they have a dentist at their clinic.  My appointment is tomorrow at noon.  I hope they will give me antibiotics to clear the infection, then can deal with whatever needs to be done.  Ugh....

new way to work:)

After 6 months of going two different ways to work, both involving the humongous and aggravating "hill", I've found two new ways.  Thanks to my co-worker Andrew for pointing these out!  Both of these new routes do not involve the big hill!!!!! Yea!  One is getting off the metro two stops early and walking directly to my school in 20 minutes!  Great for these breezy warm days of summer, when the metro is especially hot, stinky and a little claustrophobic!  The other way is a bus, with a stop at the opposite end of the island where I live (around a 12 minute walk), then a 20 minute or so bus ride.  From the bus stop, 10 minutes to school.  Woot Woot!!!!!  Love having options!

June 1st

A visit to one of the gorgeous botanical gardens here in the city today made me very happy:)