Monday, June 3, 2013

dentists in Kiev...

Me living in a foreign country just wouldn't be complete without me visiting the dentist now would it?  At least 10 days ago (ok really 2 weeks ago...)I noticed a swelling on the roof of my mouth near the back.  

I of course ignored this as long as possible (at least one week) since it wasn't hurting and I was hoping it would magically go away.  Can't blame a girl for wishful thinking?!  Of course, I finally looked at it and the tooth it corresponds to, and after some internet research, it appears I have an abscess.....never a good thing.  The tooth is one with a crown on it, and since there isn't pain, must have had a root canal.

So finally I called the school doctor (thankfully he speaks English) and they have a dentist at their clinic.  My appointment is tomorrow at noon.  I hope they will give me antibiotics to clear the infection, then can deal with whatever needs to be done.  Ugh....

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