Sunday, June 23, 2013

more books!!!

When confronted with books (in English) that I haven't read, and are available for sale, I will part with my money.  No decision, and not much thought required!

I met my student Andrey, and his girlfriend Tatiana, at a local market which he fondly referred to as "Ukrainian Pirate Bay".  For sale here at this massive outdoor stall market are unfathomable amounts of media, print and otherwise.

Books, magazines, CD's, DVD's, computer software, for sale in stall after stall.   Within 20 minutes I had spent all the money I brought with me on 7 books... One of them is an illustrated book of Ukrainian fairy tales translated into English, which I will happily give to my adorable grand daughter when I return to Ohio for a visit.

Now that I am aware of the relative ease and availability of quality reading material, maybe my fear of lacking reading material will pass.:) 

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