Tuesday, June 4, 2013

the good and the bad of my dental issue...

The bad news is, my diagnosis is correct.  There is an infection underneath one of my crowns.  Wah:(

The good news is the dentist (though she doesn't speak English and we had a three way conversation with Ira on the phone and me in the chair...) seems well educated, informed and competent!  She put me on antibiotics today and drained the abscess....ooooh....  She said a couple more appointments and don't worry it will all be well.

More good news is the low cost of dental treatment here.  The bill for seeing the dentist, equals $16., and the weeks worth of antibiotics as well as "pain medication" (which I need to ask someone what this stuff is...) $10.  I imagine in the US todays' visit alone would've cost me 10 times as much.

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