Tuesday, July 30, 2013

trip planing:)

Today I spent time looking info up online... as usual, my tight budget means I need to know how much transportation costs, so I can ensure that I'll have enough money to get back home to Kyiv!  After chatting about trips with a class of all women students....maybe I will alter my plans a little for this jaunt...possibly forgoing Romania for the time being.  I think I may want to focus on the lovely sea side places....Glad I haven't made any concrete plans just yet!

Project Runway...

Randomly downloaded some Project Runway which was an amazing time... made me think of Vicki:) and makes me want to sew!!!

nothin' like a little bargain shopping...

..at my favorite second hand market at Lisova metro stop.  A great way to amuse myself for an afternoon, maybe find a bargain or two, chat in English (many vendors speak it) and have a sharma (basically a Donner kebab) from a vendor for lunch.:)

Friday, July 26, 2013

new sassy hair and Redd's beer

What more could a girl want?  Redd's brings back Mongolian memories... drinking it at a cafe in UB with my CYD girls:)

My hair is asymetrical, shorter and sassy!  After my stylist (yes, she's my stylist now that I've gone to her 3 times....but don't know her name:)......  did my color and I showed her the cut.... and she cut it...cute but too long... I had her shorten it up, put more layers and texturize it, and it's adorable.

I did however, ask her if the short side should maybe be even shorter, and she said..... mmmmm.... no.  So I went with it and I really like it, though already thinking maybe shorter and sassier.....:)

pay day is always a good day:)

though this job won't make me rich, my expenses are relatively low, and I'm happy to be getting paid.... my hair color sure could use a touch up!!!!

Breaking Amish

Yep, you can take the girl away from the farm, but you can't take the farm away from the girl... or something like that.

Just found out from Courtney the other day that there is a second season of this crazy show, called Brave New World... Of course I downloaded the entire season and started watching it!

Perhaps it's because at least one of the characters is from my hometown neck of the woods, Holmes County, Ohio... or because I grew up around so many Amish.  At any rate, this show and the characters mesmerize me!

planning my next trip

As much as I love traveling and at times want to become a total vagabond, I think the way I work it is the best for me.  ..... which is after every 7 week long semester I plan a little traveling!

So far since I've been in Ukraine, I've visited Scotland and England in Dec., January for 2 weeks.  March break time found me staying home since I needed to rebuild my computer. In May I had a great time traveling to Poland.  This past break I spent in Berlin.....

Of course my next break is September for 2 weeks, so I'm excited to start planning that trip!

it's Monday, what school am I at?

This semester is a little different than previous ones... since I am splitting my time between two schools.  My regular school, Klovska, I'm only at Monday and Wednesday now.  Then on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, Rusonuvka, which is right next door.  Cool deal for me!

Sunday is skype day!!!

..and what a great one it was this Sunday!  First, chatting with Nicole, Pete and Gretchen was awesome!  Gretchen was chattering on and on, pointing to me and was an adorable amusing little monkey!

Next.... I chatted with Courtney, Carter and Cody for an equally enjoyable time.  Carter even called me "emee"....ah....

Saturday, July 20, 2013

cleaning day:)

Since I returned from Berlin, my roomie has been gone and shall be for this whole semester.  I am really hoping that her room remains empty waiting for her return.  Anyone who knows me, realizes I'd rather live by myself, but that for money sake, I am renting from my employer, AEC.  

I have been on a cleaning spree and the place looks and smells good:)  I may miss you from time to time Rebecca, but I love having the place to myself.

movie recommendation

I just watched a great film, called Rust and Bone, French, 2012.  Downloaded it with English subtitles.... check it out.  Rather sparse on dialog but a moving story.

can you tell I'm bored?

Maybe it's something about these dull type posts... always upon returning from vacation, and starting a new semester, I'm a little less energetic and a little bored, having to go back to my schedule.  On the bright side, I'm thankful that now I can start planning my next trip!


Wow, it's wild only commuting via metro twice a week!  I'll save, shucks, about a whole dollar or more ...lol

Tuesday is time to chillax

with my new work schedule, I don't have to show up till 7 pm right next door:)  then "work" for 2 hours, and walk back home.......

Monday, July 15, 2013

summertime , and the schedule is easy:)

Let's here it for getting off work at 9 p.m. every night this semester!!! Woot Woot!!!!  Though I have the 20 hour standard summer work week (last semester it was 22 hours), my time will be divided between two schools.  My regular, Klovska is only 3 classes on Monday and Wednesdays, then just 2 hours on Tuesday/Thursday and 6 hours Sunday, at the school directly next door to my apartment building!!!!  How lucky can a girl get?

home at last....

The funny thing about vacations and traveling is that I really, really, really enjoy them, but I am also glad when I get back home!  And now that Kyiv is home, I was so happy to arrive back safely.

I thought because I was flying this time that my travels to and from Germany would be quick, painless and smooth, and boy was I ever mistaken!  Both ways there were hiccups, delays and other f^&( ups.... whoa, was I ever giddy to be back home!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

museum madness

Though not part of my plan, I ended up purchasing a 3 day museum pass.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were part of museum madness.... I saw so many things and places that my head is still spinning....

In addition to the 9 or so museums I visited with my pass, I also went to several free places.  The free ones were mostly the monuments and sites which are memorials to the murdered Jews.  It has been a mind blowing, depressing, yet  enlightening experience.

Wednesday/what day is it?

....days get a little confused with events on holiday.... but I want to share that Berlin is a very friendly city, at least in the U-bahn!  While trying to map out how to get places, I often get lost, turned around, totally f#$%^ed up with directions... So, thanks to all the helpful folks who offered their time (even for a moment or too) and directions to me!

My first day here a rather attractive Kurdish man offered to help me, then took me to the East side gallery wall.  During the ride I began to feel a little uncomfortable with his gazing into my eyes, but when we arrived I shook his hand and thanked him, telling him, I'll go be a tourist now.  We went our separate ways....

Another day I happened to ask a young woman which direction train I needed... she spoke brilliant English, asked me where I was from... turns out she's a Berliner who spent time in Ohio and talked about her experiences there.  She walked me all around the station, because of course I had to go to a totally different part.... chatting as we went.  It was like running into an old friend.  We hugged when we parted ways and it has given me a good feeling about this city:)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday at the zoo!

One of the things I was looking forward to seeing and experiencing here in Berlin was the zoo!  There are two different ones and I chose to visit the one recommended by Nomadic Matt (a website and travel blog) mostly because it has an aquarium as well.

I have loved zoos all my life, and though I haven't been to that many different ones, it's been several years since I have visited one at all.  I feel the same about aquariums, and have fond memories of going with my kids.  There is a really cool one in Kentucky, right across the border from Cincinnati.... However, the last one I visited happened to be in Chicago 10 years ago with my daughter Vicki on our last trip together.

Just like I always have, I felt excited and giddy like a little kid when I saw the animals....ah:)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday at the beach

This afternoon was spent lying around the beach with my friend Laura's sister, Hannah.  Laura and I met in Mongolia and I spent a week with her and her partner Conan in Bristol in early January this year.  What a great time we had!  So when I knew I was coming to Berlin and that Hannah lived here I asked Laura if Hannah could give me some info about what to do and see.

Suffice it to say, she is as awesome as her sister and we hung out at the beach....one of those people who is fun and easy to be around... I am a lucky gal.  This particular beach is one of many within Berlin...a lake surrounded by lots of trees and lovely refreshing water.

Sunday at the flea market...

For my first "full day" here in Berlin, I took it easy, getting up after 10 and lounging for awhile before heading off to the big bi weekly flea market.  This place was huge and I literally spent hours wandering around looking for treasures...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

finally in Berlin.. a day late and many euros short

I am supposed to be focusing on the positive...so suffice it to say that I missed my connecting flight in Vienna Friday.... and those cheap great deal tickets I like to buy which say absolutely no changes, really mean it.

In spite of this, I was lucky enough to have a lady direct me to a bus which delivered me right to the biggest train station in the city, and lucked out into getting a seat (not a berth) on the night train to Berlin.

Even though my night's sleep was rather sporadic, it only cost me 17 euros, even though it was supposed to be over 100.... lucky me:)

Got to Berlin mid morning and managed to find the hostel and arrive around noon and found one of the workers were there and let me in!

To top it off everyone in this city is friendly, helpful and nice....found a supermarket, had falafel and a cold beer for dinner and a great night's sleep!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

just call me spaz...the kindness of strangers....:)

This morning was my second trip to the main airport in Kyiv.  The first time was late December when I visited the UK.  Today for my exciting trip to Berlin!  I woke up by 9:30 a.m. (somewhat early for me), showered, shaved, attempted coffee, which my stomach didn't like this morning, and finished last minute packing.

My flight was scheduled to leave at 1:30.  It was after 12, when I got to the airport.  After checking in, and checking my back pack (which I wasn't going to do) I was directed to gate 7.  

Waiting in line I cleared security fairly quickly.  Then while waiting in line for customs, I heard "Last call, flight... Berlin...gate 7"...... panicky, I asked many folks in line, could I go ahead..last call for my flight.  All of them graciously and kindly said...yes, of course, etc....

After running to gate 7 and showing my passport and boarding pass, the lady calmly said, not your flight.... you are early.  You are at gate 4..... I explained, then sheepishly thanked her and found gate 4 and a seat.  I felt rather self conscious and worried that some of the people I made such a fuss with over my "last call for my flight", might spot me and just think I'm a jerk who didn't want to wait.  

Ah, yea, that's me....quickly (over) reacting to potentially important information and freakin' out over nothing.... Had this been an actual emergency, I would have made my plane on time.  Who says people are mean?

Just call me spaz.

the good and the bad of it...

It was my last work day till my vacation....two classes of oral finals then done!  6-10p.m.  So I felt ok until I was almost to school then started sweating a lot (it was hot outside, but not that hot)..... I arrived felt a little whoozy, but figured it would pass.

I went to my first class and was feeling bad, sweaty, hot and my stomach felt funny.  I only had 2 students there for their final.... The first one started speaking and I knew I was going to vomit.  I ran out of the room and of course the door to the hallway with the closest toilets was locked, so I couldn't help it.... I puked all over the floor in the hallway.   Ah, as horrible as vomiting is, that felt better, but I knew there was more coming......

Hurrying, I scrambled back to the toilet near the office, pausing just long enough to alert the office, I'm sick, just vomited outside my classroom.  After relieving myself of the rest of my stomach contents in the toilet, my director brought me some water and napkins and asked me if I was ok.....

Thinking I could finish this class, I returned, told the students I don't feel so well, but let's do this... If I run out of the room, I'll be back.

Got through in another 15 minutes, then decided I should just go home.  My director sent our guard to the alteka (pharmacy) for some medicine.  I waited around till he returned with it.  The testing manager mixed up the concoction for me (dissolved it in a cup of warm water) and brought it to me.  I drank it down.  Stomach settled, I walked the long way toward the metro.  The 55 bus was right there, so I hopped on and had a quicker and more refreshing ride back to the island.  The walk across the island in the fresh air was also helpful.

Stopping only to buy some crackers and lemon lime soda, I went home, laid around and felt better. I am so lucky to have such helpful caring people at my job!!!!  Thanks to them, I was able to go home early, not worry about my students (though I feel bad I missed testing them) and get better for my trip.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

the search for the elusive ukraine patch

My backpack that I like to use to travel still is missing a Ukrainian flag and /or appropriate patch.  Though I usually have an eye out for one, there are certain areas of the city where they are sold.  Though I work at Klovska, which is close to the city center, there are no souvenir places around there.  I often go to the Aresnelna metro, also near city center, with more souvenir places, but no patches of any kind.

Today I left for work an hour early..... on a mission to find the patch so I can stitch it onto my backpack before I make this next trip to Germany...I decided I had to go to Kreshetak, the true heart of the city, with the huge squares, memorials, museums, fountains and tourists...lots and lots of tourists.

Humorously enough, I found the patch in the little market under the street walkway as soon as I got off the metro at Maiden...the  next station and connected from Kreshetak with a long walkway.  I spotted the place as soon as I exited the metro... Lots of Ukrainian goods, embroidery, and Ukraine scarves, etc.  I promptly walked over, looked and there it was!  For less than 3 dollars (a bit pricey, but worth it) I purchased the patch!  Now to sew it onto my backpack!

I had enough time to then wander around, snap a few photos, wait in line at McDonald's to use the clean toilets, then head back onto the metro to Arsenelna station where I bought a latte, then stood around enjoying the yummy coffee confection before the 20 minute stroll to my school:)  Successful mission!

last week of classes

Almost the end of another semester.... the 7th week is tough for me... anticipating the break, thinking/dreaming about the upcoming vacation, and attendance is usually sporadic and low.....