Friday, July 5, 2013

just call me spaz...the kindness of strangers....:)

This morning was my second trip to the main airport in Kyiv.  The first time was late December when I visited the UK.  Today for my exciting trip to Berlin!  I woke up by 9:30 a.m. (somewhat early for me), showered, shaved, attempted coffee, which my stomach didn't like this morning, and finished last minute packing.

My flight was scheduled to leave at 1:30.  It was after 12, when I got to the airport.  After checking in, and checking my back pack (which I wasn't going to do) I was directed to gate 7.  

Waiting in line I cleared security fairly quickly.  Then while waiting in line for customs, I heard "Last call, flight... Berlin...gate 7"...... panicky, I asked many folks in line, could I go ahead..last call for my flight.  All of them graciously and kindly said...yes, of course, etc....

After running to gate 7 and showing my passport and boarding pass, the lady calmly said, not your flight.... you are early.  You are at gate 4..... I explained, then sheepishly thanked her and found gate 4 and a seat.  I felt rather self conscious and worried that some of the people I made such a fuss with over my "last call for my flight", might spot me and just think I'm a jerk who didn't want to wait.  

Ah, yea, that's me....quickly (over) reacting to potentially important information and freakin' out over nothing.... Had this been an actual emergency, I would have made my plane on time.  Who says people are mean?

Just call me spaz.

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