Friday, July 5, 2013

the good and the bad of it...

It was my last work day till my vacation....two classes of oral finals then done!  6-10p.m.  So I felt ok until I was almost to school then started sweating a lot (it was hot outside, but not that hot)..... I arrived felt a little whoozy, but figured it would pass.

I went to my first class and was feeling bad, sweaty, hot and my stomach felt funny.  I only had 2 students there for their final.... The first one started speaking and I knew I was going to vomit.  I ran out of the room and of course the door to the hallway with the closest toilets was locked, so I couldn't help it.... I puked all over the floor in the hallway.   Ah, as horrible as vomiting is, that felt better, but I knew there was more coming......

Hurrying, I scrambled back to the toilet near the office, pausing just long enough to alert the office, I'm sick, just vomited outside my classroom.  After relieving myself of the rest of my stomach contents in the toilet, my director brought me some water and napkins and asked me if I was ok.....

Thinking I could finish this class, I returned, told the students I don't feel so well, but let's do this... If I run out of the room, I'll be back.

Got through in another 15 minutes, then decided I should just go home.  My director sent our guard to the alteka (pharmacy) for some medicine.  I waited around till he returned with it.  The testing manager mixed up the concoction for me (dissolved it in a cup of warm water) and brought it to me.  I drank it down.  Stomach settled, I walked the long way toward the metro.  The 55 bus was right there, so I hopped on and had a quicker and more refreshing ride back to the island.  The walk across the island in the fresh air was also helpful.

Stopping only to buy some crackers and lemon lime soda, I went home, laid around and felt better. I am so lucky to have such helpful caring people at my job!!!!  Thanks to them, I was able to go home early, not worry about my students (though I feel bad I missed testing them) and get better for my trip.

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