Friday, July 26, 2013

new sassy hair and Redd's beer

What more could a girl want?  Redd's brings back Mongolian memories... drinking it at a cafe in UB with my CYD girls:)

My hair is asymetrical, shorter and sassy!  After my stylist (yes, she's my stylist now that I've gone to her 3 times....but don't know her name:)......  did my color and I showed her the cut.... and she cut it...cute but too long... I had her shorten it up, put more layers and texturize it, and it's adorable.

I did however, ask her if the short side should maybe be even shorter, and she said..... mmmmm.... no.  So I went with it and I really like it, though already thinking maybe shorter and sassier.....:)

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