Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wednesday/what day is it?

....days get a little confused with events on holiday.... but I want to share that Berlin is a very friendly city, at least in the U-bahn!  While trying to map out how to get places, I often get lost, turned around, totally f#$%^ed up with directions... So, thanks to all the helpful folks who offered their time (even for a moment or too) and directions to me!

My first day here a rather attractive Kurdish man offered to help me, then took me to the East side gallery wall.  During the ride I began to feel a little uncomfortable with his gazing into my eyes, but when we arrived I shook his hand and thanked him, telling him, I'll go be a tourist now.  We went our separate ways....

Another day I happened to ask a young woman which direction train I needed... she spoke brilliant English, asked me where I was from... turns out she's a Berliner who spent time in Ohio and talked about her experiences there.  She walked me all around the station, because of course I had to go to a totally different part.... chatting as we went.  It was like running into an old friend.  We hugged when we parted ways and it has given me a good feeling about this city:)

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