Sunday, July 7, 2013

finally in Berlin.. a day late and many euros short

I am supposed to be focusing on the suffice it to say that I missed my connecting flight in Vienna Friday.... and those cheap great deal tickets I like to buy which say absolutely no changes, really mean it.

In spite of this, I was lucky enough to have a lady direct me to a bus which delivered me right to the biggest train station in the city, and lucked out into getting a seat (not a berth) on the night train to Berlin.

Even though my night's sleep was rather sporadic, it only cost me 17 euros, even though it was supposed to be over 100.... lucky me:)

Got to Berlin mid morning and managed to find the hostel and arrive around noon and found one of the workers were there and let me in!

To top it off everyone in this city is friendly, helpful and nice....found a supermarket, had falafel and a cold beer for dinner and a great night's sleep!!

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