Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday at the zoo!

One of the things I was looking forward to seeing and experiencing here in Berlin was the zoo!  There are two different ones and I chose to visit the one recommended by Nomadic Matt (a website and travel blog) mostly because it has an aquarium as well.

I have loved zoos all my life, and though I haven't been to that many different ones, it's been several years since I have visited one at all.  I feel the same about aquariums, and have fond memories of going with my kids.  There is a really cool one in Kentucky, right across the border from Cincinnati.... However, the last one I visited happened to be in Chicago 10 years ago with my daughter Vicki on our last trip together.

Just like I always have, I felt excited and giddy like a little kid when I saw the animals....ah:)

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