Thursday, January 31, 2013

living in a lovely snow globe

ah...... just look at this lovely snow covered view...heavy sigh....this winter wonderland view from my window....
I awoke this morning to the silent snow is beautiful:)

I didn't slip on the ice!

It was one of those days that was just a little off...... feeling cranky, a little bitchy, on edge.... could be a combination of many things.  Perhaps because it was the twins birthday yesterday.... always miss Vicki especially then, and I hear from Zach sporadically and I miss him and sometimes worry about him.

I was just tired and wanted to collapse when I got home and was hard pressed to find a positive note...but of course, there is always a silver lining in every cloud..... a good reminder... and though I walked home from the metro this evening, I didn't slip and fall on the ice!!!! I am a lucky lady:)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day of Birth

On this day, 25 years ago, I gave birth to twins.  Though I was hospitalized for 2 weeks prior to their birth due to ongoing contractions, they announced their arrival quite suddenly.

Lying in my bed, my water broke.....I was looking forward with fear and anticipation to a natural/vaginal birth, even though Pete was delivered via C section 5 years previously.

Things turned quite quickly when one of the twins heartbeats was erratic.  The doc announced "emergency c section" and I was rushed to the OR.  When I awoke, the sweet nurses brought my daughter Victoria to show me, but wouldn't let me hold her.  They had put a tiny Velcro bow in her wispy dark fuzz that passed for hair. 

They could not bring Zachariah to me, as he was on oxygen, though doing well they assured me.  They did take a Polaroid picture to show me though....His wispy hair was blond.

It was a few days until I could actually hold and nurture them, as I had complications and a mysterious infection.  Finally, I begged them to take me to see them.

Though my memories of that time and their childhood are bittersweet in many ways, I am thankful for the 18 years we had Vicki in our lives and I am grateful to have Zachariah John as my son.  Happy Birthday, Love, Mom

Monday, January 28th.....

Today I am thankful/lucky to have a job I enjoy!  As trite as this may sound, if you have ever had that dread that it's time to go to work, you know what I mean.  If you don't love your job....maybe it's time to consider other options.  Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Today, I find myself grateful for my children and the richness they have brought to my life.  I have a much fuller, meaningful perspective on the world because of them. I also am older and wiser now and appreciate the role of a grand parent, albeit far away. 

I saw two teens get on the metro on my way home this evening.  I imagined a story about them, as I often do of folks I see on public transport.  These two appeared to be about the same age, similar height and build, got on at the same stop and both were just a little trendy in their carefree teen kind of way.  They stood one person apart from each other, both listening to music.

She was almost directly in front of me and had blue tinged hair, huge brown eyes, and green fingernails showing through her finger less gloves.  She was fiddling with an MP3 player, and was occasionally mouthing the lyrics.   

He had blond hair sticking out of his cap, sported black skinny jeans and was enjoying music from a large headset, silently swaying and bobbing his head, mostly with his eyes closed.  When I did catch a glimpse of his eyes they were narrower than hers and a different color, maybe blue.  But they did have the same wide, almost too large nose and the same large full lipped mouth.  They stood one person apart.  She ignored him, but he would glance her way once in awhile.  They could be twins I thought.  This is how they would act toward each other.  They may be friends, maybe not, close sometimes, annoyed at others, yet have an attachment and connection no one else can fathom.

I thought of my own twins as I got off the train.  I bid the train twins a silent good night and thought I love you Zach and Vicki.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Yep, you heard that right....the sun was shining again today, for the second day in a row!!!!  I miss the daily sunshine of Mongolia, but this was a pleasant and acceptable substitute!  Plus, it's not nearly as cold here!

Didn't have time to write last night...

...because I was finishing a book..... Oh my.  It was one of those novels that gripped me tightly from the very beginning.  We Need to talk about Kevin is an older (more than 5 years) novel written by a woman named Lionel Shriver.

It was one of the paperbacks I picked up in the UK and started reading a few days ago.  It is about a boy who ends up killing several classmates.  It's written from the mother's viewpoint and is in the form of letters to her estranged husband.  She talks about the other American school shootings, her troubled family, her own failings and it is riveting.

This book is one I would highly recommend, though I must tell you I did figure some "things" out before they were revealed.   I am glad to have found and consumed this gave me pause to think about my own failings as a mother,(which all mother's have, admitted or not), and some wishes to have done some things differently.  A good thought provoking mental exercise never hurt anyone (at least not for too long).

Wrong Marshutka, Helpful Ukrainians

Thursday was my fourth day of my new way to work....since I moved to the other end of this lovely island, known as Rusonovka.  I got back from work on the metro and decided I would take a marshutka back to my neighborhood.

Easier said than done, perhaps.....  I knew the #48 marshutka goes around the island and have ridden it before.  I also know the #248 bus.... However, I did not see either at the bus stop....Only several others, one of which was #249 marshutka.... I tentatively stuck my head in and asked "Rusonovka"?  Da, was the response.... So I hopped on, unsure, but figuring oh, well, may as well find out where this one goes... (it was about 10:45 p.m.)

As we passed my first potential stop, my side street, I thought, oh this one goes around the loop of the island on the big streets..... Oops, not quite...It went past the island, and on to an exit....that looked like we were going to the freeway....uh oh...

A lady could see my confusion, and maybe I said something, so she started chattering away in Russian to me, trying to be helpful.... Another one chimed in...I said Russian, nyet....

Turns out a young man asked me in you need help?  Where are you going?  We conversed....I told him my story... and he and his two girl friends got off the marshsutka with me and walked me to my place.

We ended getting off at the edge of the island a street over from the bridge I used to cross to go to work.  It was icy and we were walking along and I slipped and crashed right on my well padded butt..... Ow....They helped me up  and we chatted as we walked across the island to my apartment building.  I thanked them again, and they assured me it was no problem, they like to help English speakers.  How's that for lucky?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday January 23, 2013

Today I am grateful to be on the internet, catching up on my daily journal among other things.  I am also very glad and happy to have heard from my son Zach and his open sharing of feelings of missing his sister.  My heart is glad.  I love you Zach and count myself lucky to have you as my son:)

January 22nd

Oh my, I think I was a day ahead of myself yesterday....ooops.  Glad to have a groovy old lady roomie named Parker.


Wow, 3 weeks plus already on this year long journal... now if only I can get the internet situation worked out and blog on time each day....that would be lucky and I'm sure it will happen!

I'm lucky to have moved into a different apartment; a much better apartment than my previous one.  This place is not falling apart, the bed is not broken, the kitchen faucet doesn't leak, the doorbell, will wonders never cease.

Though 13 is my fave number, I must say my address lucky number seems to be 9, and of course this address includes it!  Lucky me:)


So lucky to have this great gig, as an English teacher.....first day back at school after a 3 week holiday break was awesome!

Sunday, January 20th

Though my internet is out and I missed my skype dates...and a chance to see a couple babies I truly adore...... one being my grand daughter Gretchen.....the second the amazing little Carter, who turns one year old o the 21st......

But I surely am happy, grateful and lucky to have them both in my life!!!!!


Wow, a good night's sleep on a real bed....albiet, a hard Eastern European bed....but a real bed nonetheless.  I truly am one lucky lady!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Moving Day again

..and yea, it is a lucky thing!  I haven't had a proper (real) bed for months... I have somewhat adjusted to living with another person again (sort of).... a flat mate, but this apartment, though I like it, is just not up to snuff.......I could get my own place, but really don't want to spend more money initially and each month...that would dig into my travel/have fun budget, which just won't do.

So, right now I am packed up and ready to be driven to my new place; basically just a few blocks away.   Fortunately for me, Iryna, teacher services gal and Dema, AEC driver, will be my moving assistants.  I will still be on this lovely island Rosonovka, but at the other end.  My new flat mate is a woman (new teacher) slightly older than me.  It's funny when I heard her age, I thought, ugh an old lady.... I hope she's not some old granny type...then of course, I laughed at myself and thought, huh...the old vagabond granny is me!!  (the cool, eclectic, eccentric type).

Hopefully, not only will I have a decent bed (hip hip hooray!) but a kitchen faucet that does not constantly run, a real oven, and a door buzzer that functions... Can it be too much to ask? I think not, but for now, a real bed is causing much excitement for me!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I love food (17th even though it's past midnight...)

Yep, that's right.... I love to shop for, cook and eat food!  I have also noticed that my relationship with food is not always a healthy one, in so many ways.  I might say that sometimes I use food for reasons other than actual hunger.... when I'm bored, tired, happy, sad, etc., much the same way I used cigarettes back in the day when I was a smoker.

All the wonderful chocolate stash my friend Laura gave me (many different Cadbury chocolate bars) has quickly dwindled in the few days since my return from the UK.  Ooops, that's how I get around is never enough... The up side is they will soon be all gone, problem solved!

Tonight for dinner I made some tempura, which I've been thinking about ever since the day I visited Stonehenge and that other place (name is escaping me) with my friend Conan.  Yes, Conan, on the way back when you thought I was sleeping, I was hearing that radio show talking about food... and cooking tempura.  And how the secret to great tempura batter is cold sparkling water. Well it just so happens that people here drink that a lot.  

In fact, many times I have actually bought the sparkling when I just wanted the regular/still water.  Today I purchased a bottle of water (turned out to be still....ugh) and made some lovely tempura.  I made too much for me, but since it was just me I thought I'd save some for lunch tomorrow... That, and if you're gonna deep fry something, may as well make a big batch of it.  Then, I got a phone call from my teacher services lady saying there is a great apartment close by, much better than my current one and I can move in tomorrow.....

That's a story for another day, probably tomorrow.  So, of course, since I'm moving tomorrow, I ate all the tempura for dinner, followed by a nice taste of Cadbury for dessert.  Food coma:)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th-Girls

Today I feel lucky to have discovered the HBO show Girls.  I just watched the entire first season! 

Ok, well I first have to confess that I had just heard about this show while on vacation in the UK and thought...what?!  another HBO show I have not heard about?  Me, whose been living in the lands of no copyright, easy to download and pirate anything for two and a half years....

Initially upon my return to Kyiv, I downloaded and watched the first episode of season 2.  I didn't like it...the characters were not so lovable to me and I found it rather dull and flat.  

Then, while trolling the Internet for some new good shows to watch, Girls kept showing up on lists as one of the best of 2012.... Huh?!  (Though I did notice that two of my fave shows were not listed....Dexter and The Walking Dead).  I decided to give it another shot and downloaded the entire first season.

I was smitten from the first episode... Hannah sitting in a fancy restaurant with her parents, who then tell her they are cutting her off financially..... She is the main character and a budding writer.  Working at an unpaid internship to further her skills and career, her parents have been supporting her for two years, since college graduation.  She is struck with disbelief....she is after all an only child.

And so it goes.... Though this show is about four girls in NYC, and a lot of it is about sex, it is a down to earth, realistic, everyday version of sex and the city.  One for the typical girl.  Hannah has the usual problems, boyfriend (or lack thereof), girlfriend relationships, her body issues, how to pay the rent (in Brooklyn, not Manhattan), and how to reach her goals...all without the expensive Manolo Blanc shoes and fancy new restaurant and club openings.

If you have not watched this, give it a go and get sucked right into the fun.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cleaning Products!!??

Well, in case you weren't certain, now you are....... I am a weirdo who is thankful and excited to find a cleaning product here in Ukraine that cuts grease!!!  Wow, my kitchen has never looked this good.  Sometimes, it's the little things in life that make me happy.  Oh, wait, it's almost always the little things.
Carry on and keep cleaning.

Honey, I'm home!

Well, hypothetical honey, but I am home!  Feeling happy to be back in Kiev, which now feels like home, even after just 2 months.  I am grateful, thankful, lucky and happy to have such cool friends in the UK, Jo, Laura and Conan!!!!  Thanks for your hospitality!!!!  It was awesome, just like you guys.  My welcome mat is out for you all anytime!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gratitude is an Attitude

Today I am grateful for having an American passport and the ability to travel (most places) without (much) restriction.  

Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12, 2013

Feeling lucky today to have visited Tate Modern Museum with my friend Jo, as well as enjoying visiting the Tower of London and the crown jewels.

Day 11

Feeling lucky to be in London today.  What a way to finish a great holiday:)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mmmmm... fish n' chips

I'm trying not to salivate all over my keyboard as I type this.....but I'm pretty hungry and soon will be going out with Laura and Conan for some fish n' chips!  This is to be the best in Bristol....mmmmmmm

Yes, I also see the pattern that my luck journal talks an awful lot about food.  Perhaps this should be a foodie blog and not a luck blog? Too late now, but it's quite obvious that I'm into food and count myself lucky and fortunate when I can get some good stuff to eat!

Though I'm not a big fan of seafood, I do love fish n' chips, and have for as long as I can remember.  Back in high school I worked for two years at the Arthur Treachers Fish n' Chips and could never get enough of the deep fried goodness!  They also had the creamiest cole slaw, another food I adore.

I know that Arthur Treachers is no longer around, and the equivalent in the US is Long John Silver's and other fast food type fish, but it certainly meets my minimal standards.  Those standards include tons of malt vinegar to spray onto the chips as well as the fish, a nice crispy batter, a light flaky inside as well as semi crunchy salty fries (also slathered in vinegar).  Off to eat now - cheers!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Peanut Butter makes me feel lucky!!!!

Weird, huh?  Well, whatever..... I have had cravings for peanut butter since leaving the US and have been unable to find it anywhere in Kiev.  However, here in the UK there is peanut butter available.  Even better, there is an Aldi store here in Bristol and I just bought two jars of crunchy to cram into my backpack!!!

These jars will not be touched until my return to Kiev next week, but oh just knowing I have them makes me very happy indeed!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Visit a great wonder of the world....check

Yep, that's right....I visited Stonehenge today!  The ancient temple, dating back to 3000 to 1600 BC and I was there.....Life is good.

January 7, 2013

How could this not be a lucky day, what with 13 and my next favorite number 7 in it?  I am on holiday in the UK, and it did not rain today!!!!! again.....woot woot!!!!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Food Gratitude!

Lucky to have had this amazing English fry up this morning after all those pints last night:)  I ate every morsel except for the black pudding....One little taste of that was enough for me.

Happy Birthday to Conan and Mindy!

Today, I am lucky to know two wonderful people with birthdays!  Mindy!!!  Sorry to have missed your big 3-0 in Mongolia, though I'm truly happy I got to celebrate with you last year in Ulanbaatar.  Wishing you a stellar year!

Happy to have been in Bristol this year to help Conan celebrate his old age!  It was a brilliant time!

Day four....

Hmmmmm... this is going to be harder than I thought.... trying to play catch up at the beginning like this.... I am lucky (grateful) for the ability to walk around outside and enjoy the fresh air and occasional sunshine!

January 3rd, 2013

Today's luck involved enjoying fish n' chips for the first time since arriving in the UK, as well as some yummy local brew......mmmmmm

Happy New Year

It's hard not to feel lucky when on holiday and enjoying days with friends and that warm fuzzy feeling of kinship.  Always remember the saying about how rich a person is as determined by their friends and relationships, not by money and material things.

Day One....

Today I was fortunate enough to be inspired to write this luck blog....A lucky thing indeed.  Even though sometimes it is tempting to see and laugh about the negative, I know being lucky and positive is a state of mind.

A Day Late and a Dollar Short....

..or is it really six days late and a few British Pounds Sterling short?  Since I am, after all, currently on "holiday" in the UK and it was in Edinburgh where I decided to start this blog journal, that makes the BPS apropos.

My inspiration started in Edinburgh Scotland where I rang in the new year with my friend Jo (whom I met in Mongolia) and her partner Louie.  Before we all left Mongolia last year, I told Jo and my friends Laura and Conan (from Bristol), all VSO of my intent to visit the UK around the New Year.

At that time I thought I was going to be living and teaching English in Georgia, the Republic of, and not the state in the southern US.  As it turned out I did not go to Georgia, but instead the perfect replacement appeared for me in the form of a teaching job in Kiev, Ukraine.

Back to New Years and the start of this idea...... I felt at home in Edinburgh, of course the fact that everyone speaks English is helpful, and the beauty and quaintness of the city, along with the warm hospitality of friends was a great way to ring in the new year!

Thirteen is my lucky number, or should I say my favorite number.  I've always liked odd numbers, and perhaps odd things (people maybe included, you know who you are)......

On New Years Day,  Edinburgh had a variety of free fun activities for the day.  Jo and I started off at the museum where we took part in a goddess ceremony.  Here we donned white robes, assisted by the lovely ladies shown here, we were shown our good fortune by a rolling of sheep ankle bones (how fortuitous that was, being the thing children play with in Mongolia as well as being used for fortune telling ) and through a ceremony, told to concentrate on a wish for the new year.  The ceremony was quite thought provoking and inspirational.

The theme of Lucky 13, Take a Chance, continued with rolling dice (Jo and I each rolled one simultaneously) and we then given a small map with the location of the next venue.  It was down the street to a music venue where there was some live rockabilly music and I was introduced to Curly Wurly's (delicious Cadbury chocolate caramel bars).  After an enjoyable respite there, we rolled the dice again and moved onto a talk about luck from a psychologist who has studied luck and people who are lucky or unlucky.

Essentially, he says luck is an attitude.  A ha.....I heartily agree.  He planted the idea of a luck journal......I way of thinking positively.  To change your thought patterns and view points, perspectives.

I like to think I am a positive person, though I do like to cultivate an "attitude of gratitude" as they say in AA and other 12 step groups..... So finding the lucky in each day is my mission for this year 2013.  Join me as I strive to find the luck in each and every day of this year of the Snake.

Wishing you a serene 2013!