Friday, January 18, 2013

Moving Day again

..and yea, it is a lucky thing!  I haven't had a proper (real) bed for months... I have somewhat adjusted to living with another person again (sort of).... a flat mate, but this apartment, though I like it, is just not up to snuff.......I could get my own place, but really don't want to spend more money initially and each month...that would dig into my travel/have fun budget, which just won't do.

So, right now I am packed up and ready to be driven to my new place; basically just a few blocks away.   Fortunately for me, Iryna, teacher services gal and Dema, AEC driver, will be my moving assistants.  I will still be on this lovely island Rosonovka, but at the other end.  My new flat mate is a woman (new teacher) slightly older than me.  It's funny when I heard her age, I thought, ugh an old lady.... I hope she's not some old granny type...then of course, I laughed at myself and thought, huh...the old vagabond granny is me!!  (the cool, eclectic, eccentric type).

Hopefully, not only will I have a decent bed (hip hip hooray!) but a kitchen faucet that does not constantly run, a real oven, and a door buzzer that functions... Can it be too much to ask? I think not, but for now, a real bed is causing much excitement for me!

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