Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Day Late and a Dollar Short....

..or is it really six days late and a few British Pounds Sterling short?  Since I am, after all, currently on "holiday" in the UK and it was in Edinburgh where I decided to start this blog journal, that makes the BPS apropos.

My inspiration started in Edinburgh Scotland where I rang in the new year with my friend Jo (whom I met in Mongolia) and her partner Louie.  Before we all left Mongolia last year, I told Jo and my friends Laura and Conan (from Bristol), all VSO of my intent to visit the UK around the New Year.

At that time I thought I was going to be living and teaching English in Georgia, the Republic of, and not the state in the southern US.  As it turned out I did not go to Georgia, but instead the perfect replacement appeared for me in the form of a teaching job in Kiev, Ukraine.

Back to New Years and the start of this idea...... I felt at home in Edinburgh, of course the fact that everyone speaks English is helpful, and the beauty and quaintness of the city, along with the warm hospitality of friends was a great way to ring in the new year!

Thirteen is my lucky number, or should I say my favorite number.  I've always liked odd numbers, and perhaps odd things (people maybe included, you know who you are)......

On New Years Day,  Edinburgh had a variety of free fun activities for the day.  Jo and I started off at the museum where we took part in a goddess ceremony.  Here we donned white robes, assisted by the lovely ladies shown here, we were shown our good fortune by a rolling of sheep ankle bones (how fortuitous that was, being the thing children play with in Mongolia as well as being used for fortune telling ) and through a ceremony, told to concentrate on a wish for the new year.  The ceremony was quite thought provoking and inspirational.

The theme of Lucky 13, Take a Chance, continued with rolling dice (Jo and I each rolled one simultaneously) and we then given a small map with the location of the next venue.  It was down the street to a music venue where there was some live rockabilly music and I was introduced to Curly Wurly's (delicious Cadbury chocolate caramel bars).  After an enjoyable respite there, we rolled the dice again and moved onto a talk about luck from a psychologist who has studied luck and people who are lucky or unlucky.

Essentially, he says luck is an attitude.  A ha.....I heartily agree.  He planted the idea of a luck journal......I way of thinking positively.  To change your thought patterns and view points, perspectives.

I like to think I am a positive person, though I do like to cultivate an "attitude of gratitude" as they say in AA and other 12 step groups..... So finding the lucky in each day is my mission for this year 2013.  Join me as I strive to find the luck in each and every day of this year of the Snake.

Wishing you a serene 2013!

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