Sunday, January 27, 2013


Today, I find myself grateful for my children and the richness they have brought to my life.  I have a much fuller, meaningful perspective on the world because of them. I also am older and wiser now and appreciate the role of a grand parent, albeit far away. 

I saw two teens get on the metro on my way home this evening.  I imagined a story about them, as I often do of folks I see on public transport.  These two appeared to be about the same age, similar height and build, got on at the same stop and both were just a little trendy in their carefree teen kind of way.  They stood one person apart from each other, both listening to music.

She was almost directly in front of me and had blue tinged hair, huge brown eyes, and green fingernails showing through her finger less gloves.  She was fiddling with an MP3 player, and was occasionally mouthing the lyrics.   

He had blond hair sticking out of his cap, sported black skinny jeans and was enjoying music from a large headset, silently swaying and bobbing his head, mostly with his eyes closed.  When I did catch a glimpse of his eyes they were narrower than hers and a different color, maybe blue.  But they did have the same wide, almost too large nose and the same large full lipped mouth.  They stood one person apart.  She ignored him, but he would glance her way once in awhile.  They could be twins I thought.  This is how they would act toward each other.  They may be friends, maybe not, close sometimes, annoyed at others, yet have an attachment and connection no one else can fathom.

I thought of my own twins as I got off the train.  I bid the train twins a silent good night and thought I love you Zach and Vicki.

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