Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day of Birth

On this day, 25 years ago, I gave birth to twins.  Though I was hospitalized for 2 weeks prior to their birth due to ongoing contractions, they announced their arrival quite suddenly.

Lying in my bed, my water broke.....I was looking forward with fear and anticipation to a natural/vaginal birth, even though Pete was delivered via C section 5 years previously.

Things turned quite quickly when one of the twins heartbeats was erratic.  The doc announced "emergency c section" and I was rushed to the OR.  When I awoke, the sweet nurses brought my daughter Victoria to show me, but wouldn't let me hold her.  They had put a tiny Velcro bow in her wispy dark fuzz that passed for hair. 

They could not bring Zachariah to me, as he was on oxygen, though doing well they assured me.  They did take a Polaroid picture to show me though....His wispy hair was blond.

It was a few days until I could actually hold and nurture them, as I had complications and a mysterious infection.  Finally, I begged them to take me to see them.

Though my memories of that time and their childhood are bittersweet in many ways, I am thankful for the 18 years we had Vicki in our lives and I am grateful to have Zachariah John as my son.  Happy Birthday, Love, Mom

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