Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th-Girls

Today I feel lucky to have discovered the HBO show Girls.  I just watched the entire first season! 

Ok, well I first have to confess that I had just heard about this show while on vacation in the UK and thought...what?!  another HBO show I have not heard about?  Me, whose been living in the lands of no copyright, easy to download and pirate anything for two and a half years....

Initially upon my return to Kyiv, I downloaded and watched the first episode of season 2.  I didn't like it...the characters were not so lovable to me and I found it rather dull and flat.  

Then, while trolling the Internet for some new good shows to watch, Girls kept showing up on lists as one of the best of 2012.... Huh?!  (Though I did notice that two of my fave shows were not listed....Dexter and The Walking Dead).  I decided to give it another shot and downloaded the entire first season.

I was smitten from the first episode... Hannah sitting in a fancy restaurant with her parents, who then tell her they are cutting her off financially..... She is the main character and a budding writer.  Working at an unpaid internship to further her skills and career, her parents have been supporting her for two years, since college graduation.  She is struck with disbelief....she is after all an only child.

And so it goes.... Though this show is about four girls in NYC, and a lot of it is about sex, it is a down to earth, realistic, everyday version of sex and the city.  One for the typical girl.  Hannah has the usual problems, boyfriend (or lack thereof), girlfriend relationships, her body issues, how to pay the rent (in Brooklyn, not Manhattan), and how to reach her goals...all without the expensive Manolo Blanc shoes and fancy new restaurant and club openings.

If you have not watched this, give it a go and get sucked right into the fun.

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