Thursday, January 17, 2013

I love food (17th even though it's past midnight...)

Yep, that's right.... I love to shop for, cook and eat food!  I have also noticed that my relationship with food is not always a healthy one, in so many ways.  I might say that sometimes I use food for reasons other than actual hunger.... when I'm bored, tired, happy, sad, etc., much the same way I used cigarettes back in the day when I was a smoker.

All the wonderful chocolate stash my friend Laura gave me (many different Cadbury chocolate bars) has quickly dwindled in the few days since my return from the UK.  Ooops, that's how I get around is never enough... The up side is they will soon be all gone, problem solved!

Tonight for dinner I made some tempura, which I've been thinking about ever since the day I visited Stonehenge and that other place (name is escaping me) with my friend Conan.  Yes, Conan, on the way back when you thought I was sleeping, I was hearing that radio show talking about food... and cooking tempura.  And how the secret to great tempura batter is cold sparkling water. Well it just so happens that people here drink that a lot.  

In fact, many times I have actually bought the sparkling when I just wanted the regular/still water.  Today I purchased a bottle of water (turned out to be still....ugh) and made some lovely tempura.  I made too much for me, but since it was just me I thought I'd save some for lunch tomorrow... That, and if you're gonna deep fry something, may as well make a big batch of it.  Then, I got a phone call from my teacher services lady saying there is a great apartment close by, much better than my current one and I can move in tomorrow.....

That's a story for another day, probably tomorrow.  So, of course, since I'm moving tomorrow, I ate all the tempura for dinner, followed by a nice taste of Cadbury for dessert.  Food coma:)

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