Saturday, January 26, 2013

Didn't have time to write last night...

...because I was finishing a book..... Oh my.  It was one of those novels that gripped me tightly from the very beginning.  We Need to talk about Kevin is an older (more than 5 years) novel written by a woman named Lionel Shriver.

It was one of the paperbacks I picked up in the UK and started reading a few days ago.  It is about a boy who ends up killing several classmates.  It's written from the mother's viewpoint and is in the form of letters to her estranged husband.  She talks about the other American school shootings, her troubled family, her own failings and it is riveting.

This book is one I would highly recommend, though I must tell you I did figure some "things" out before they were revealed.   I am glad to have found and consumed this gave me pause to think about my own failings as a mother,(which all mother's have, admitted or not), and some wishes to have done some things differently.  A good thought provoking mental exercise never hurt anyone (at least not for too long).

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