Tuesday, November 12, 2013

this week....

I'm really behind now and won't bother trying to catch up just yet.  Here's what happening... It's all pretty good.  I have finished work...I substituted for another teacher 20 hours last week and now am staying with a very gracious friend of a friend who has been delightful.  L has let me stay on her sleeper sofa and make myself at home.  It's great.

Still no news from China which has me a little concerned, but not overly so.  I have touched base with everyone and things are in the works.  Just don't want to over stay too long.... oy.

Going to try to enjoy my remaining time here in Kyiv.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My last Sunday class

Good bye long Sunday hours... Except, since I'm waiting for my visa and don't know when it may come (well I have an idea it should be within 2 weeks now), and done officially with my job, I was asked to sub for a teacher who will be out for 2 weeks.  How can I say no to extra money?  Not easily, so I said yes, at least for this week, Monday through Thursday.  

Packing and sorting...

How did I get all this stuff?!  Oh yea, my incessant need to make a place homey..... countless indoor plants, little homey touches, sheets, towels...ugh...where to pack it all?  Oh yea and let's not forget my obsession with used clothing shopping.  It seems I am leaving at least as many clothes as I'm packing....oy.

This time I will take what I wear the most... and ignore my unrealistic thoughts about looking more "professional".  Skinny jeans with a cute shirt or t and sweater with my Doc's are acceptable...and comfortable!  That's me, so that's what I'll take... One winter dress instead of 4 and all my summer clothes, since I'm going to a hot steamy place:)

Lucky I have these lightweight suitcases to cram it all in!

hanging with my roomie

Jonfen and I spent some quality time today at Paragova, outdoor museum and at a cool little dinner for dinner.  Great burger....yum:)

can this be my last late night class?

Wow, how exciting!  My last class at this late hour... I know it's not that late, but it really is weird for me to work till 10 pm and return home an hour later...

last class with favorite group

Each semester I find I have one group that is my fave class.  This time is was my M, W 4:00 group.  They were fun and lively.  Three of them are high school girls, two middle aged men, and two younger women.  After their final test, they gave me some Kyiv candy, and two lovely porcelain fridge magnets.  We all hung out that extra hour till their time was up, eating cake and chatting.  I'll miss this....*heavy sigh*.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I finally had some of my favorite photos printed to have with me in China.  Quite a few from the past few years of living in foreign lands, in 8 X 10 so I can hang them in my new apartment.

second to the last sunday of work

This is cause for celebration!!!! Sunday hours are the worst...so I'm feeling quite happy that next week are oral exams, then little class parties afterwards.  woot woot!!

thinking about packing...

My suitcases has been open sitting on the floor since before I got this new job in China... I'm realizing I'm spending a lot more time thinking about packing, than actually doing it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

second hand shopping

Shopping for second hand clothes is one of my favorite past times here in Kyiv... The used clothing market is huge, with booths and stacks upon stacks of clothes just waiting to be picked over, gone through, and messed up, all in search of a bargain:)  Had a good time here again today and found two summer dresses, which I desperately need for China.

grateful for my room mate

Since I have to have a room mate here in Ukraine..... I'm glad I've gotten to know Jonfen... he's a cool young dude from Virginia, and we both hope he gets an equally cool room mate when I'm gone.

contract in hand

Well, sort of... signed contract on the computer via email... signed by both sides, looks like going to China has just become "really real"!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

extra hours!?

Due to some unexpected changes with teachers, for my last 3 weeks of work here in Kyiv, I will be getting an extra 4 hours work weekly!  Wow, that's great news for me since I'll need the cash for starting out in China!

the longest day

For most folks, Sunday is a "day of rest".... takin' it easy, watching football, hanging around the house, visiting friends, going to the movies, the mall, etc. Since I've been teaching in Ukraine, not so.  Sunday is our longest work day. We have classes from 11 am till 8 pm.  (summer classes end at 5:45 pm)

The diligent students have English class 3 times a week.  Since I'm done here after early November, I'll be going back to t more regular schedule... week days, day time teaching...Hoorah!!!!! Sundays will once again become my "day of rest".

Saturday, October 19, 2013

the waiting game

Today I finished up all my paper work for China!  How long could this possibly take?  Six hours, 4 rides on the metro, 1 bus ride and 3 marshutka rides....whew?!!!!  Feeling satisfied and accomplished!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

change of schedule

Well, how strange ..... a change of schedule in the middle of a semester... Apparently a teacher left suddenly at my old school, and a new teacher was taken from my current school, and I'm now switched around with some new classes plus some of my old ones... Oh well, go with the flow.  Either I'll have 4 hours more each week (more money is good, since I'm leaving in a few weeks) or I'll have to work 4 hours less on Sundays... which is also good.  win/win

feeling excited:)

Now that the tests are done and I'm just waiting to get results, the excitement is mounting!

Monday, October 14, 2013

medical tests

Today I got all the testing done for my medical clearance for China... Amazing to me that I could go to the Doc's office, get 4 vials of blood taken, drop a urine sample, have an EKG and a chest X ray, all in about 2 hours.  The cost was $60.  Gotta love it!  I don't think even one vial of blood for some test would be that cheap in USA.

I also had to go to a different clinic for an AIDS test, required by China.  Dr. David had to make several phone calls to confirm there is a place nearby that does them.  It was my lucky day!  The nurse called me a taxi, gave them strict instructions where to take me, and I got there!

For around $10. I had my blood drawn and will get my results Friday.  I have no worries, had this when I left PC over a year ago, and haven't had any action in well over 2 years....:(

Should have all my test results Friday, get Doc to fill in forms, stamp it, I'll get is scanned and emailed to China...woot woot!

sundays kick my butt

Wow, I'm always surprised by how much an 8 hour day takes out of me!  That and the weirdness of working all day when my usual schedule is evenings... I will be happy to work day time hours soon!

grateful to be older...

Yep, today at 10;20 p.m. I turned another year older....whew!

Friday, October 11, 2013

I'm moving to China!

Wow, I'm going to China!  Asap after the end of this semester (over November 3rd), provided the paper work gets going, done and to the right people.  Finally received and signed the contract and the foreigner expert form, along with getting some passport sized photos taken for the papers (not so great looking)..... Finally got the papers emailed today and have the medical appointment on Monday!  woot woot!!!!


omg... a phone interview and for a university job in eastern China that I am quite into....whew!!! It went well and they offered me a job!!! wow, now just to get this timing part down.\!

going nuts

Yes, I mean a little more nuts than usual... been feeling antsy...ooh, a job offer in China?  whoa... and a university that I was really interested in...

china is lookin' good...

There seem to be quite a few interested parties in China... hhhmmm...maybe I could end up there after all...

behind again:(

Monday had me worrying about where will I go?  What will I do?  Struggling to stay positive.... oh, my room mate is on vacation and I have the apartment to myself..... positive vibes back:)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

who me, worry?

yep, right now, mostly concerned about the timing of this job ending and having the next one lined up...whew...it's ok, I did that coming here:)

pumpkin soup

I have been dreaming of pumpkin soup since I bought this huge half pumpkin.... and it was delicious.....

Scrambling for jobs....

With this semester concluding on November 1st, I'm now being asked if I'm staying here since my contract finishes up.  Wow, I've been in Ukraine a whole year!!!!  Though I really enjoy the job, my apartment, living and traveling from here, the "new" has worn off.  The shine has dulled.  I feel ready and antsy to move ahead.  So now, I am looking for my next adventure that fits into my time frame......hhhhhhmmmmm... where will it be?

Destination: Serbia?

Today I had a Skype interview for an editing position in Belgrade, Serbia.  It sounds like an unusual job with an outsourcing company, and this would be a start up in Belgrade.  Slightly scary, but this could be quite an adventure!  The entire culture of Serbia is quite similar/overlapping with Croatia, where my grand parents immigrated from.... hhhhmmm... is the mother land calling me?

Here is a photo of a dish that is Croatian, but also listed as Serbian.... green beans and potatoes with a lovely rouxe, made with fatty bacon (called sallow here).... comforting, and reminds me of my Aunt Pauline (Penny).  My brother used to love this stuff, according to mom, but once he found out about rouxe, he changed his mind....rouxe is fat and flour...and is popular in many Serbo-Croatian dishes...check it out

miss you Vicki

The anniversary of my daughter's passing is upon me yet again.  October 1st is a mournful day for me.  Now that it's been 7 years, the circle of those who remember, who reach out to me, who acknowledge it, grows smaller.  Maybe it's always been like that.  Those of us who hold her in our heart remember every day.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


So the weather has been unseasonably cold all month and now there is still no heat in the school where I work!  More than once, I had to ask myself, is this Mongolia or Ukraine?  Though it was certainly cold in September in Mongolia (snow on September 10th, dead garden, sad memories) there at least was heat!!!!

Monday, September 30, 2013


Today I'm reminding myself that I do have options... I have a phone interview for an editing job in Serbia Wednesday, I'm still in the running for a PCR job in Georgia, and I have several resumes out for teaching at a uni in China.  Plus if none of them feels right, I can always remain in Ukraine for awhile longer.


It's always great to skype with Courtney.... but today I told her I probably won't be coming back to visit in January... have some job possibilities in China and though they reimburse air fare, I probably would go right from here....

new hair do:)

It's that time again, when my hair color needs to be touched up, so it was time for a shorter do:)  Happy to have a hairdresser here (that means it must be time for me to move on.....)

remember to be fearless

...this is what I need to remind myself of... I am fearless... why am I afraid?  what am I afraid of?  what do I want...?  where do I want to go?  where does the universe want me to be?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

hump day

I was pondering today about where I will go next.... the next destination (to move to) in the exciting continuing adventures of me!!!!!  It dawned on me (as I was talking to my friend Rebecca), just because I've had China on the brain and applied for millions of jobs there.....what really makes me think I will end up there?

Btw, I applied for a job in Serbia and have an upcoming phone interview.....hhhmmmm

rain, rain go away....

It has been raining for 2 weeks here.... I'm sure the ground is happy and saturated, so yea, thank you for the moisture:)

Monday, September 23, 2013

sunday is hell day

Pun intended.  It's my out of whack weird scheduling day where I work a whole 8 hours, compared to the usual 3 - 6 hour days during the week... Plus it's totally weird hours starting at 11 am, whereas week days start at 4 pm.  Yep, I'm a whiner.

china on the brain...

...Ooops, now I am applying for every job I see in China.....

Friday, September 20, 2013

request for contact

I was excited today to find an email from the coveted job in Inner Mongolia asking for a good time to contact me!

finally, the end of the first week of school

Every new semester brings it excitement along with it, and this one certainly has.  From the initial not knowing where the hell I'd be teaching, to surviving the first week at the new location......today is cause for a very heavy sigh of relief that the first week is over and I survived.  It was a little rough/weird.

that antsy feeling

...it's back... causing me to look for and apply for other jobs...in other countries.... the most exciting potential one is where I applied today... Inner Mongolia China which seems like the perfect blend of Mongolia and China!  Yippee Skippee!!!!  The funny thing is they do speak some Mongolian, and in this city, Hohhot, law requires all signs to be written in Mandarin and Mongolian , but it's not the cyrillic printing that I know and can read, but mongolian script, which I have no hope of ever learning....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

first day of school snafus...

Whoa, was I ever glad when today was over!  I thought I knew how to get to my new school, but it turns out, I didn't......Got off at the wrong metro stop, had to call several times and after 30 minutes said this isn't right, I'm going back to the metro.  Turns out, I got off one stop too early.......ooops.

Luckily a tutor came to meet me at the metro and walk me in...lol.....Good thing because by then I was flustered, frustrated and tired of walking around.

Missed my first conversation club (1 hour long) and my second class of the day (2 hours long) was a new one that no one showed up for......yes, really.  The good thing was after all that, I think I know how to get to school and I got to leave at 8:45 and will still get paid at least for the 8:00 class.  Whew:)

where am I working?!

Today is the first day of the new semester at AEC, and American teachers don't start till tomorrow. The usual is for the school director to phone and tell you when to show up Monday and what you'll be teaching...  Well, I heard from the training director around 8 asking if I'd be willing to work at two different schools... Of course, that's what I requested...

By 9 still nothing.... after several confused texts and phone calls, I discovered I'm working at a new school during the week..... what?  It was after 10 pm when I finally was told who to contact so my new director got a phone call from me when she informed me I'd be there 4 days a week and somewhere else on Sunday.

Wow....change is good:)

Skype mania weekend

It was truly crazy with my Skyping this weekend.... Richard, Coutney (and family). then with Pete and his clan...............feeling the love:)

Time to switch it up

Since my room mate and I have decided not to move (I had the opportunity to move to another apartment across the island so Rebecca could be my roomie again, along with a 3rd girl and opted to stay put), I wanted to change bedrooms.

I've been in the bigger room and was kind of sick of it... too hot in the summer with the many windows and thought, hey how about a change.  So Jonfen and I switched and though the new room is smaller, it's adorable with some built in shelves and cozy:)

back home to Kyiv

Today I arrived back home and man what an exhausting trip it was.... note to self, when looking to save money, also consider that waiting around in a train station where you have to pay to sit in comfy seats, and to use the toilet, as well as eat, should all be taken into consideration.

Of course, I was down to my last few greevna after having to talk to several different people at the Odessa airport, which will not change or accept Turkish lira for greevna (as well as not being able to change it in Istanbul...no one has greevna...)  After successfully changing my money, I had just enough for transportation to the train station a little something to eat, and transport from train to home.......

Luckily I was dehydrated so I didn't have to worry about paying for the toilet, and I sat on my backpack to read for the next many hours.....

must have books

Even when travelling, I am always reading at least one book.... Just this trip I was finishing up Cold Mountain, a great book I'd read years ago.  It just so happens I got this copy from my friend Laura when I visited her in Bristol in January.  I finally read it, then traded it at the hostel for another book.  Before leaving it, I wrote in the jacket that it came from the UK January 2013, went to Ukraine then ended up in Turkey, September 2013.  Where next? I picked up and am almost finished with my new book The Wind up Bird Chronicle, by a Japanese author which is weird, compelling and I'd recommend it too.

dining like a backpacker

Even though I can't afford to travel very luxuriously, I manage by cutting food costs.... here is my dinner one night.  These beans were surprisingly tasty, in fact the best canned beans I've ever eaten!  Just a hint of sweetness, seasoning, some nice green pepper.  delish!

Monday, September 9, 2013

lost in the hills of Istanbul....

this place is full of hills....big ones, and a few smaller ones, but hills everywhere.....whew...
simultaneously invigorating and exhausting!!!

Korean=Turkey+ silk road

There's a really cool event going on here in Istanbul... a festival with performances, displays, etc from various countries along the Silk Road... I watched a performance by some Korean kids, and it was great!

museum pass...

Once again, I've fallen for the "museum pass" deal.... This one was 15 TL more expensive than the web site said, but I bought it none the less... Will I get my money out of it?  We shall see.....

Friday, September 6, 2013

new game plan...

I've not had this similar issue on other trips where things for sale are so lovely that I want to buy everything I see.....oy.... Now I have to closely manage my remaining funds till I depart on Wednesday.... I'm sure I'll be ok and will choose to graze from snack/street food more (have eaten dinner in restaurants both nights thus far though not so expensive still more than other)..... And I've decided to forego the dervishes (too expensive now) and just buy a museum pass to see the main sights..... It's a gorgeous place, historical, opulent, exotic.

amazing market!!!

Oh my... I  decided to enjoy myself today by doing whatever struck me... so I went to the big bazaar and spent much of my allotted money for the week...oops, not a good idea.. However, I do have a lovely hand embroidered pashima which will grace my wall in my apartment:) and a cool silver turtle with the "eye" symbol on it for protection that goes nicely on my multi charmed necklace I wear most of the time....

I have arrived in Istanbul:)

I finally got here...my first impressions of the city are:  beautiful well groomed, clean, very very green and lovely, friendly:)  I think I'm gonna like it here!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

beautiful city

This place is great, and I've strolled all around the major spots today, taking photos and people watching.  Tomorrow the beach!


I arrived at the ungodly hour of 6:45 am.... and against my better judgement caught a taxi.  He did however, take me to my hostel quickly and by 7:30, I was snug in my new comfy bunk sleeping again.

overnight train...

hmmmm.... this one may not be as restful as the last two in recent times... As I waited in the short queue to board the train a pushy young lady stepped right in front of me, giving her ticket to the conductor.  She then handed her bag to the stranger on the steps to heft up.  Turns out she was one of my coupe mates.  She snored.  A lot.  And quite loudly.  The train was rough, lots of stop and go and I didn't have a restful night.  In the morning, while waiting for the toilet, who is in front of me...yep....and she was in there 10 minutes...oy.  However, let me say, Hey Odessa!  I'm here:)

Saturday, August 31, 2013

memories of Mongolia

This morning I planned to get up earlier than usual (in preparation for my early overnight train (10 pm and arrival at a bleary 6 am)... Soon after awakening at 8:30 I started hearing music and an "emcee" type voice talking on an obvious P.A. system... Then I realized it's September 1st, officially the first day of school, though classes will not begin till tomorrow, there is a First Day of School ceremony going on across the alley.  In Mongolia, I also lived close to the school and it brings back good memories:)  Maybe all the former Soviet countries have similar traditions?

packed and ready!!!

Vacation time is almost here again... travel, adventure...woot woot!!  Got the backpack ready and by Sunday evening I'll be on my way!  First the overnight train to Odessa for two days of fun and sun (I hope) at the Black Sea, then flying on down to Istanbul for my first ever visit.

Friday, August 30, 2013

semester almost over....wow

As we near the end of another semester, I start feeling the building excitement, since this usually means traveling for me!  Alas, it does again, with my upcoming travels to Odessa for a couple days of fun and sun in the Black Sea, then off to Istanbul....woot woot!!!!!

my nephew's twin

well, not really, Jon doesn't have a twin, but I asked Oleg, who really reminds me of my nephew Jon, if I could take his photo and email it to my family... i'd told him before of the similarities, and he said sure.  the family doesn't really see the same resemblance  i do...but oh well.

cool spell

It's still August and should be hot as blazes, but this week is bringing much needed rain and a cool spell...nice:)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Skype Mania Weekend!

Wow, I love when that happens!... Over the weekend I Skyped with my good friend Linda, My Mom, sister, brother in law and nephew, (Saturday) then on Sunday, Pete, Nicole and birthday girl Gretchen, plus Courtney, Carter, Cody (and Brutus)...and a missed call from Sharayah.... Wow...I'm feeling the love... Oh and a video message I couldn't open from Richard (I sent you a message telling you that).

Saturday, August 24, 2013

time for a new 'do

It's been awhile (about 5-6 weeks) since my last color touch up and it's time again... Also time for a new cut!  I like my stylist, and today I finally learned her name.  Victoria:)  Oh, and she did a super job (as always) on my hair!

Friday working evening....?

Because there is a holiday this weekend...Ukraine Independence Day, we have school/work Friday evening and off Sunday.  Surprisingly, there were about the same number of students as Sundays. It's nice to have a Sunday off, but I guess it's all the same to me:)  Happy Independence Ukraine!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

train tickets!

Another successful endeavor!  Today I purchased my round trip train tickets all by myself!  They are tickets from Kiev to Odessa on the overnight train September 1st and overnight from Odessa to Kiev in the wee morning hours of the 12th.  This is the last bit of reservations for my upcoming Istanbul trip!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

fresh veggies from the countryside

Thank goodness for Alla's granny and her generosity!  I'm still enjoying some of the amazing and fresh produce I brought home!  I just baked the second huge squash and think I'll make some soup from it tomorrow....yummy

a hand knitted sweater for Gretchen!

I have started and re-started a lovely hooded sweater for my lovely grand daughter.... and since the last time I ripped it all out, haven't touched it again.  Since I'd love to actually make and finish it by the next time I visit the US (right now the plan in January), I finally started it again....so far, so good:)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

last day without a room mate..

As of the last break, my room mate has been traveling and I've mostly enjoyed having the apartment to myself.  Except for a few days a couple weeks ago, and just yesterday, I've been lucky enough to have solitude.... peace and quiet, no one to wait for to use the shower, etc... All that's gonna change tomorrow..a guy from AEC will live here for 2 weeks...oy

hot pink package

Thanks Courtney!  I received the hot pink package in the mail today!  Smells like peppermint life savers with a little something extra inside:)  You're the best!


i spent hours today pouring over short hair styles in preparation for going short again... still haven't absolutely decided on one yet, but will before i go on vacation:)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

where next? PC redux?

While considering where to go after Ukraine... so many great things about here... especially the locale from which to travel.  It dawned on me today while perusing Peace Corps Response jobs, I could always join PC again.... Maybe this time I will do agricultural work.  Started the application process this afternoon.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

postcards from home:)

Thanks Courtney!  I got your postcard today!  The adorable one with the sea turtle from the Carolina Coast....awesome.

apple pie

Since I brought home a bag of fresh apples from Alla's granny, I made a delightful apple pie, including several of the yummy pears I also was given.  The pie was heavenly.  The crust, light, fluffy, and delicious.....the filling was just the proper amount of sweetness.... mmmmmmmm

supermarkets are super!

After class today, I walked to the supermarket a few blocks away.  Armed with my shopping bags, I wanted to pick up many items all at the same store. Here in my neighborhood, I'm fortunate enough to have many options for food shopping.  There are several small shops, offering certain items, but not everything, then the fruit and veg stalls at the open air market close to me.
At the Cilpo grocery store, they offer a wide variety of fresh fruits, veggies, huge displays of canned goods, large freezer cases, fresh meats and countless types of dairy. A heavenly place when I desire quick, one stop shopping, such as Sunday evening at 6 pm after my longest work day of the week::)

cooking Ukrainian style

Today I had the pleasure of learning to cook "verenekie" a traditional Ukrainian food, with my hostesses.  Alla, her granny and auntie taught me to make this wonderful stuff, which is similar to Polish perogies.  We made a variety of fillings, both sweet and savory and they were all delicious!

visit to the village!

I'm so excited I'll be going to a village with a former student of mine today!  We'll be visiting her granny and auntie who live almost 4 hours outside of the city.  To meet Alla, I walked 12 minutes to the metro station, took the red line metro for 5 stops, then changed to the blue line.  Alla met me at Olimpsky station (45 minutes now from my apartment), then we had to travel to the end of the blue line.  Some new construction of additional stations, extending the line is underway.

At the end of the line we arrived at the Southern Bus station where we caught our mini bus to the countryside.  Our ride was close to 4 hours, with one stop at a despicable outhouse toilet stop.  Since living in Mongolia I am used to bad toileting situations, or sometimes no toilet.  This outhouse probably needed to be closed months ago.  The hole was full up I would've been better off peeing outside..... I did have a skirt on after all and could've just squatted, but, heavy sigh, you can't do that here in Ukraine::(  But hey, when you gotta pee, you gotta pee, and thankfully the bus stopped!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

thursday is my friday....

So very soon I'll go to work (in 5 minutes I'll walk to the school next door), work for 2 hours, then it'll be the weekend.  Got a beer chillin' in the freezer:)

reservations for trip complete:)

Finally booked my room in Odessa, so now my necessary arrangements are complete for Odessa then Istanbul.... Oops, just realized while writing this, no they aren't... still don't have my train ticket (either way)...Still very much looking forward to this solo vacation!  I do enjoy my own company.

Orange is the new black...

..is the best show I've seen in awhile...(of course, not counting Dexter and True Blood).. Don't know who mentioned it on FB, but I looked it up, started watching...and Bam.... must see TV

Monday, August 5, 2013


This is the third time I've Skyped with loved ones this week!  Today was Courtney and Carter, and Cody... awesome fun family!  I love you guys!  

lazy days exploring the city

This is one thing I love about living here..... it's fun to go look around and explore places on a Saturday.  I spent hours today venturing downtown, an area I've been to many times before. Today, however, I went into the huge food market for the first time and also for a second viewing at the Pinchuk Art Center's China China exhibition.  All in all, a fulfilling day!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Skyping with my sista!!!

It's been ages since we've spoken much... what with her in Ohio doing most of the overseeing of Mom's care... though Mom's in a home, in a special Alzheimer's unit, there are still many doctor visits, appointments and just plain old visiting that my sister does for our Mom.  It was great to Skype with her today, even though our video wasn't working... She will check if the home has wi-fi so I can Skype with both my sis and mom at the same time.  Sweet.

fixed the kitchen light:)

..the kitchen light which hasn't worked for a few months... I changed the bulb, it came on then off again.  Of course, did I think the new bulb burnt out right away?  No.... So months later, I pulled off the globe, unscrewed the old bulb, which did have that burnt look to it and it rattled when I shook it, and put in the new one.  Ta Da!  Kitchen light works:)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

trip planing:)

Today I spent time looking info up online... as usual, my tight budget means I need to know how much transportation costs, so I can ensure that I'll have enough money to get back home to Kyiv!  After chatting about trips with a class of all women students....maybe I will alter my plans a little for this jaunt...possibly forgoing Romania for the time being.  I think I may want to focus on the lovely sea side places....Glad I haven't made any concrete plans just yet!

Project Runway...

Randomly downloaded some Project Runway which was an amazing time... made me think of Vicki:) and makes me want to sew!!!

nothin' like a little bargain shopping...

..at my favorite second hand market at Lisova metro stop.  A great way to amuse myself for an afternoon, maybe find a bargain or two, chat in English (many vendors speak it) and have a sharma (basically a Donner kebab) from a vendor for lunch.:)

Friday, July 26, 2013

new sassy hair and Redd's beer

What more could a girl want?  Redd's brings back Mongolian memories... drinking it at a cafe in UB with my CYD girls:)

My hair is asymetrical, shorter and sassy!  After my stylist (yes, she's my stylist now that I've gone to her 3 times....but don't know her name:)......  did my color and I showed her the cut.... and she cut it...cute but too long... I had her shorten it up, put more layers and texturize it, and it's adorable.

I did however, ask her if the short side should maybe be even shorter, and she said..... mmmmm.... no.  So I went with it and I really like it, though already thinking maybe shorter and sassier.....:)

pay day is always a good day:)

though this job won't make me rich, my expenses are relatively low, and I'm happy to be getting paid.... my hair color sure could use a touch up!!!!

Breaking Amish

Yep, you can take the girl away from the farm, but you can't take the farm away from the girl... or something like that.

Just found out from Courtney the other day that there is a second season of this crazy show, called Brave New World... Of course I downloaded the entire season and started watching it!

Perhaps it's because at least one of the characters is from my hometown neck of the woods, Holmes County, Ohio... or because I grew up around so many Amish.  At any rate, this show and the characters mesmerize me!

planning my next trip

As much as I love traveling and at times want to become a total vagabond, I think the way I work it is the best for me.  ..... which is after every 7 week long semester I plan a little traveling!

So far since I've been in Ukraine, I've visited Scotland and England in Dec., January for 2 weeks.  March break time found me staying home since I needed to rebuild my computer. In May I had a great time traveling to Poland.  This past break I spent in Berlin.....

Of course my next break is September for 2 weeks, so I'm excited to start planning that trip!

it's Monday, what school am I at?

This semester is a little different than previous ones... since I am splitting my time between two schools.  My regular school, Klovska, I'm only at Monday and Wednesday now.  Then on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, Rusonuvka, which is right next door.  Cool deal for me!

Sunday is skype day!!!

..and what a great one it was this Sunday!  First, chatting with Nicole, Pete and Gretchen was awesome!  Gretchen was chattering on and on, pointing to me and was an adorable amusing little monkey!

Next.... I chatted with Courtney, Carter and Cody for an equally enjoyable time.  Carter even called me "emee"....ah....

Saturday, July 20, 2013

cleaning day:)

Since I returned from Berlin, my roomie has been gone and shall be for this whole semester.  I am really hoping that her room remains empty waiting for her return.  Anyone who knows me, realizes I'd rather live by myself, but that for money sake, I am renting from my employer, AEC.  

I have been on a cleaning spree and the place looks and smells good:)  I may miss you from time to time Rebecca, but I love having the place to myself.

movie recommendation

I just watched a great film, called Rust and Bone, French, 2012.  Downloaded it with English subtitles.... check it out.  Rather sparse on dialog but a moving story.

can you tell I'm bored?

Maybe it's something about these dull type posts... always upon returning from vacation, and starting a new semester, I'm a little less energetic and a little bored, having to go back to my schedule.  On the bright side, I'm thankful that now I can start planning my next trip!


Wow, it's wild only commuting via metro twice a week!  I'll save, shucks, about a whole dollar or more ...lol

Tuesday is time to chillax

with my new work schedule, I don't have to show up till 7 pm right next door:)  then "work" for 2 hours, and walk back home.......

Monday, July 15, 2013

summertime , and the schedule is easy:)

Let's here it for getting off work at 9 p.m. every night this semester!!! Woot Woot!!!!  Though I have the 20 hour standard summer work week (last semester it was 22 hours), my time will be divided between two schools.  My regular, Klovska is only 3 classes on Monday and Wednesdays, then just 2 hours on Tuesday/Thursday and 6 hours Sunday, at the school directly next door to my apartment building!!!!  How lucky can a girl get?

home at last....

The funny thing about vacations and traveling is that I really, really, really enjoy them, but I am also glad when I get back home!  And now that Kyiv is home, I was so happy to arrive back safely.

I thought because I was flying this time that my travels to and from Germany would be quick, painless and smooth, and boy was I ever mistaken!  Both ways there were hiccups, delays and other f^&( ups.... whoa, was I ever giddy to be back home!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

museum madness

Though not part of my plan, I ended up purchasing a 3 day museum pass.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were part of museum madness.... I saw so many things and places that my head is still spinning....

In addition to the 9 or so museums I visited with my pass, I also went to several free places.  The free ones were mostly the monuments and sites which are memorials to the murdered Jews.  It has been a mind blowing, depressing, yet  enlightening experience.

Wednesday/what day is it?

....days get a little confused with events on holiday.... but I want to share that Berlin is a very friendly city, at least in the U-bahn!  While trying to map out how to get places, I often get lost, turned around, totally f#$%^ed up with directions... So, thanks to all the helpful folks who offered their time (even for a moment or too) and directions to me!

My first day here a rather attractive Kurdish man offered to help me, then took me to the East side gallery wall.  During the ride I began to feel a little uncomfortable with his gazing into my eyes, but when we arrived I shook his hand and thanked him, telling him, I'll go be a tourist now.  We went our separate ways....

Another day I happened to ask a young woman which direction train I needed... she spoke brilliant English, asked me where I was from... turns out she's a Berliner who spent time in Ohio and talked about her experiences there.  She walked me all around the station, because of course I had to go to a totally different part.... chatting as we went.  It was like running into an old friend.  We hugged when we parted ways and it has given me a good feeling about this city:)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday at the zoo!

One of the things I was looking forward to seeing and experiencing here in Berlin was the zoo!  There are two different ones and I chose to visit the one recommended by Nomadic Matt (a website and travel blog) mostly because it has an aquarium as well.

I have loved zoos all my life, and though I haven't been to that many different ones, it's been several years since I have visited one at all.  I feel the same about aquariums, and have fond memories of going with my kids.  There is a really cool one in Kentucky, right across the border from Cincinnati.... However, the last one I visited happened to be in Chicago 10 years ago with my daughter Vicki on our last trip together.

Just like I always have, I felt excited and giddy like a little kid when I saw the animals....ah:)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday at the beach

This afternoon was spent lying around the beach with my friend Laura's sister, Hannah.  Laura and I met in Mongolia and I spent a week with her and her partner Conan in Bristol in early January this year.  What a great time we had!  So when I knew I was coming to Berlin and that Hannah lived here I asked Laura if Hannah could give me some info about what to do and see.

Suffice it to say, she is as awesome as her sister and we hung out at the beach....one of those people who is fun and easy to be around... I am a lucky gal.  This particular beach is one of many within Berlin...a lake surrounded by lots of trees and lovely refreshing water.

Sunday at the flea market...

For my first "full day" here in Berlin, I took it easy, getting up after 10 and lounging for awhile before heading off to the big bi weekly flea market.  This place was huge and I literally spent hours wandering around looking for treasures...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

finally in Berlin.. a day late and many euros short

I am supposed to be focusing on the positive...so suffice it to say that I missed my connecting flight in Vienna Friday.... and those cheap great deal tickets I like to buy which say absolutely no changes, really mean it.

In spite of this, I was lucky enough to have a lady direct me to a bus which delivered me right to the biggest train station in the city, and lucked out into getting a seat (not a berth) on the night train to Berlin.

Even though my night's sleep was rather sporadic, it only cost me 17 euros, even though it was supposed to be over 100.... lucky me:)

Got to Berlin mid morning and managed to find the hostel and arrive around noon and found one of the workers were there and let me in!

To top it off everyone in this city is friendly, helpful and nice....found a supermarket, had falafel and a cold beer for dinner and a great night's sleep!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

just call me spaz...the kindness of strangers....:)

This morning was my second trip to the main airport in Kyiv.  The first time was late December when I visited the UK.  Today for my exciting trip to Berlin!  I woke up by 9:30 a.m. (somewhat early for me), showered, shaved, attempted coffee, which my stomach didn't like this morning, and finished last minute packing.

My flight was scheduled to leave at 1:30.  It was after 12, when I got to the airport.  After checking in, and checking my back pack (which I wasn't going to do) I was directed to gate 7.  

Waiting in line I cleared security fairly quickly.  Then while waiting in line for customs, I heard "Last call, flight... Berlin...gate 7"...... panicky, I asked many folks in line, could I go ahead..last call for my flight.  All of them graciously and kindly said...yes, of course, etc....

After running to gate 7 and showing my passport and boarding pass, the lady calmly said, not your flight.... you are early.  You are at gate 4..... I explained, then sheepishly thanked her and found gate 4 and a seat.  I felt rather self conscious and worried that some of the people I made such a fuss with over my "last call for my flight", might spot me and just think I'm a jerk who didn't want to wait.  

Ah, yea, that's me....quickly (over) reacting to potentially important information and freakin' out over nothing.... Had this been an actual emergency, I would have made my plane on time.  Who says people are mean?

Just call me spaz.

the good and the bad of it...

It was my last work day till my vacation....two classes of oral finals then done!  6-10p.m.  So I felt ok until I was almost to school then started sweating a lot (it was hot outside, but not that hot)..... I arrived felt a little whoozy, but figured it would pass.

I went to my first class and was feeling bad, sweaty, hot and my stomach felt funny.  I only had 2 students there for their final.... The first one started speaking and I knew I was going to vomit.  I ran out of the room and of course the door to the hallway with the closest toilets was locked, so I couldn't help it.... I puked all over the floor in the hallway.   Ah, as horrible as vomiting is, that felt better, but I knew there was more coming......

Hurrying, I scrambled back to the toilet near the office, pausing just long enough to alert the office, I'm sick, just vomited outside my classroom.  After relieving myself of the rest of my stomach contents in the toilet, my director brought me some water and napkins and asked me if I was ok.....

Thinking I could finish this class, I returned, told the students I don't feel so well, but let's do this... If I run out of the room, I'll be back.

Got through in another 15 minutes, then decided I should just go home.  My director sent our guard to the alteka (pharmacy) for some medicine.  I waited around till he returned with it.  The testing manager mixed up the concoction for me (dissolved it in a cup of warm water) and brought it to me.  I drank it down.  Stomach settled, I walked the long way toward the metro.  The 55 bus was right there, so I hopped on and had a quicker and more refreshing ride back to the island.  The walk across the island in the fresh air was also helpful.

Stopping only to buy some crackers and lemon lime soda, I went home, laid around and felt better. I am so lucky to have such helpful caring people at my job!!!!  Thanks to them, I was able to go home early, not worry about my students (though I feel bad I missed testing them) and get better for my trip.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

the search for the elusive ukraine patch

My backpack that I like to use to travel still is missing a Ukrainian flag and /or appropriate patch.  Though I usually have an eye out for one, there are certain areas of the city where they are sold.  Though I work at Klovska, which is close to the city center, there are no souvenir places around there.  I often go to the Aresnelna metro, also near city center, with more souvenir places, but no patches of any kind.

Today I left for work an hour early..... on a mission to find the patch so I can stitch it onto my backpack before I make this next trip to Germany...I decided I had to go to Kreshetak, the true heart of the city, with the huge squares, memorials, museums, fountains and tourists...lots and lots of tourists.

Humorously enough, I found the patch in the little market under the street walkway as soon as I got off the metro at Maiden...the  next station and connected from Kreshetak with a long walkway.  I spotted the place as soon as I exited the metro... Lots of Ukrainian goods, embroidery, and Ukraine scarves, etc.  I promptly walked over, looked and there it was!  For less than 3 dollars (a bit pricey, but worth it) I purchased the patch!  Now to sew it onto my backpack!

I had enough time to then wander around, snap a few photos, wait in line at McDonald's to use the clean toilets, then head back onto the metro to Arsenelna station where I bought a latte, then stood around enjoying the yummy coffee confection before the 20 minute stroll to my school:)  Successful mission!

last week of classes

Almost the end of another semester.... the 7th week is tough for me... anticipating the break, thinking/dreaming about the upcoming vacation, and attendance is usually sporadic and low..... 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Skype is an awesome thing!

Just spent a lovely hour skyping with that lovely little family in Ohio...Pete, Nicole and Gretchen!  I also saw briefly the boys and a bit of Mr. Vickerz my turtle.  I love you all:)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

another gorgeous day

It's another gorgeous sunny day out and I need to go across town this afternoon to fill my prescription.  so I think I'll try to catch some rays while I'm out! To get to the place that always has my drugs, I walk across to the other end of the island (about 12-15 minutes), then cross the bridge, walk the stairs under the street, come up the other side.  Then I wait for the 211 marshutka and go about 5-6 stops.... I get off just before the big traffic circle, cross under the road to the other side and backtrack about a block to the pharmacy.... I also need to stop and find a pattern to start my "ukrainian style embroidery" on my pillow sham.  

Berlin Bound

In a week I'll be in Berlin..... land of great beer, gorgeous parks, lakes, castles, museums, bike paths, and history of WWII and the holocaust.

I chose this historical city based on several things.... There are so many places I have never been and want to go to that I generally look at air fares and choose where to go for my next vacation.  As it turned out, it was pretty cheap r/t in July for Berlin, so that's where I'll be!


Though I really adore Kyiv, and my job, sometimes I really feel like an outsider here.  Well, duh, you may be saying, of course, you are.  lol.  The exact word came through a conversation with two students who were at a loss for the perfect word for when you live somewhere, it's your home, but you feel like you don't really belong.

Well, what I really mean is I haven't forged any great friendships, bonded deeply with some people, etc.  Not for lack of trying, I think....at least initially I made more attempts to find some friends.... 

There was the Internations group, which I still can't make most activities....Thursday evenings (bi-weekly) I'm in class...till 10, then just getting to the place, may or may not be beneficial to show up.  So I've pretty much given up on those.  I did attend one sightseeing afternoon, with only two others....We hung out, enjoyed the afternoon, but nothing more.  I also went to one of the dinners, spent about 3 times what I normally would for not so great food.... Met two gals I'd like to hang out with more, but with schedules etc, it hasn't happened.

The other teachers are mostly 20 somethings who have bonded over partying and late nights.  Something I surprisingly have not been very into here.  Compared with when I was just in Mongolia, I now have turned into the vagabond granny I am.

I've also been trying to meet a man... for some companionship, friendship, hanging out with and that also has not been going well.  WTF????  Maybe it's just time for more introspection and spiritual growth here....

Wednesday is here and I can't wait for vacation!!!!

This is the point in each semester when my spark for teaching and my motivation starts waning.....It's getting close to the end, and I'm soooo ready for my break and a great vacation!  (Berlin, here I come!)


Today I was observed teaching a class.....this always makes me nervous, despite the fact that the observer is well know to me and she does nothing to make me nervous.  Her mere presence is enough!  I have been a little lacksidasical this summer with my classes, going through the lesson, chatting with students, but feel the need to attempt to be more structured while being observed.  It was all fine in the end...though I did not use the blackboard at all, having turned the desks towards the windows and using only the back part of the room because there is more air flow (breeze) from the windows there. Ah, I may need to break down and buy a fan for my classes.

ooops..falling behind again...

Summertime is here and I'm in a little "it's really hot" funk...need to get over it!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

more books!!!

When confronted with books (in English) that I haven't read, and are available for sale, I will part with my money.  No decision, and not much thought required!

I met my student Andrey, and his girlfriend Tatiana, at a local market which he fondly referred to as "Ukrainian Pirate Bay".  For sale here at this massive outdoor stall market are unfathomable amounts of media, print and otherwise.

Books, magazines, CD's, DVD's, computer software, for sale in stall after stall.   Within 20 minutes I had spent all the money I brought with me on 7 books... One of them is an illustrated book of Ukrainian fairy tales translated into English, which I will happily give to my adorable grand daughter when I return to Ohio for a visit.

Now that I am aware of the relative ease and availability of quality reading material, maybe my fear of lacking reading material will pass.:) 


Having class on Friday is an odd thing for my school.  Since Sunday is a Christian holiday, which in English is called Pentacost, we held our Sunday classes this evening.  Of course, not many students showed up, this being the end of the long work week, but I was there anyway from 6-10 p.m.

I had to ask many classes of students and individuals to figure out this mysterious holiday this coming Sunday....Finally, one group of students together, chatting for several minutes, in a combination of Russian, Ukrainian and a random English word, came up with the notion of an event of the holy spirit coming into the church, and 50 days after Easter.

Armed with this information, I was able to find Pentacost as the English explanation.  As a  Unitarian Universalist, but one who does not consider myself a Christian, I had totally forgotten about this celebration of Christianity.  The word Pentacost though brings to mind the aptly named pentacostal church; one of a strict and conservative religious group.  I'm reminded about my lack of biblical and christian knowledge.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

dental update...

I neglected to comment on how lucky I am with my dental issue.  After going to my appointment a few days ago, my was declared ok.  Not sure if I'm 100% convinced, but I'll take it for now:)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

cute flip flops

Those cute bargain flip flops were not such a great bargain after all:(  After walking in them to the metro (around 10 minutes) they were fine.  At school all evening, ok.  But by the time I walked home from the metro, my feet were screaming/crying and otherwise miserable.  

At my age, my feet, while still appreciating really cute sandals, require good support and comfort.  I will still wear the cute flip flops, only I'll change into them after I've worn the Columbia brand sandals to walk in.

school picture day

Remember as a kid having picture day?  Well, I get to relive this horror, only as the teacher this time.......every semester during the 5th week  of class (out of a total of 7 weeks) we have class pictures.... These are pretty fun, and/or funny and are posted on the schools web site.

Alot can be inferred from these photos, about the students, teachers, relationships, feelings towards each other.  This time, in addition to the class shots, individual teacher photos were taken...Mine is not too bad, I'm smiling, laughing and have a cute dress on!  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Books in English!!!!

Oh my gosh, I am sooo excited, I can hardly write... One of my students, Andrey, is an avid reader of English books.  We have spent many a walk to the metro after class discussing literature (a little) and current books ( alot).  He has a Kindle Fire, far superior to my original b&w Nook.... and has clued me into many sites to download books.
He's even read all the latest Shades of Grey books....just to try and understand women....lol!  I have only started reading what I thought was the first one, which turned out to be I purchased the third... I was highly disappointed with it and told him so... seems like a romance novel...

Anyway, Andrey informs me there is a used English book place...a huge market where books are piled up... I'm feeling giddy just writing about it! We discussed it again today, and am looking forward to going there on Saturday with him to pick through books!!!! In English!!!

There are of course lending libraries here, but I need to learn to read Russian for that...like that will ever happen!  

solo sight seeing...

Today I decided to visit the Golden Gate, which is an historic (UNESCO World Heritage Site) here in Kyiv.  It is an amazing place, built around 1037 and according to the audio clip, may be the oldest site in Eastern Europe.  Wow

Friday, June 14, 2013

dental dilemma?!

So the last time I was at the dentist earlier this week and expected she would begin some treatment on my tooth, the x ray machine was broken.  After being told they'd call me after it was repaired, I was skeptical.  However, today I got a call from the clinic telling me the machine is fixed and asking when I'd like to come in.  I have an appointment for an x ray Monday at noon.

Skype Thursday...

Thanks to my friend Linda for a lovely and fun Skype time today!

dry again...

Though there have been almost daily rain storms the past week, I have managed to stay dry on my way to and from places.  Lucky me!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

too wound up

It dawned on me today, that for a self described easy going person, I'm getting pretty wound up over deciding where to visit next.  Seems kinda silly, huh?  I am now reminding myself of the saying about "best laid plans" and will attempt to chill about it, stay as calm as possible and decide when the time is right.  Right now is the time to embrace, enjoy and relax.  The Universe will guide me where I need to be heading.

still pondering where next?

Once the itch to move on has started, it's been difficult to sate.  My mind is constantly abuzz with notions of not only travel to exotic locales, but thoughts of moving to a new country with a new student population.  What the what?, I've been asking myself....  I think it's become too mundane and normal...ah, such is life wherever....*heavy sigh*


What a quiet day at work.  With midterms scheduled, and only one of my 3 classes having a midterm (oral) test today... only 1 of the students in that class (out of 3) showed up and aced the oral exam!  I then spent an hour and a half at the park, playing sudoku on my nook.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

is it still Sunday if I didn't Skype?

Yep, still is:)  No skype dates today, but I think I have one next Sunday.

sleep mask:)

After having lost the sleep mask my friend Mindy gave me in Mongolia.... and wishing I had one several times recently, I found one today at the giant second hand market.  Brand New.  Still in the package!

Friday, June 7, 2013


I have rediscovered the fun in sewing!  Though I miss having a sewing machine, I decided to attempt to create a wall hanging for my kitchen.  This is my finished product and it looks pretty cute hanging up!

foreign dentistry

Well, this is another great dental experience I've had overseas!  Today I had an appointment to go back to the dentist and she checked my tooth and gum area, asked if I was taking the antibiotics, how I felt, etc.. (through some broken English, gesturing and the assistance of another clinic staff member).... and my confidence is way up for this dentist and her abilities!  I return on Monday for further treatment and I'm not freaked out about it! Hoorah!

morning coffee

I really love my morning coffee... especially since I enjoy it while looking at the lovely Miss Gretchen's baby face while I'm drinking it:)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

the good and the bad of my dental issue...

The bad news is, my diagnosis is correct.  There is an infection underneath one of my crowns.  Wah:(

The good news is the dentist (though she doesn't speak English and we had a three way conversation with Ira on the phone and me in the chair...) seems well educated, informed and competent!  She put me on antibiotics today and drained the abscess....ooooh....  She said a couple more appointments and don't worry it will all be well.

More good news is the low cost of dental treatment here.  The bill for seeing the dentist, equals $16., and the weeks worth of antibiotics as well as "pain medication" (which I need to ask someone what this stuff is...) $10.  I imagine in the US todays' visit alone would've cost me 10 times as much.

Monday, June 3, 2013

dentists in Kiev...

Me living in a foreign country just wouldn't be complete without me visiting the dentist now would it?  At least 10 days ago (ok really 2 weeks ago...)I noticed a swelling on the roof of my mouth near the back.  

I of course ignored this as long as possible (at least one week) since it wasn't hurting and I was hoping it would magically go away.  Can't blame a girl for wishful thinking?!  Of course, I finally looked at it and the tooth it corresponds to, and after some internet research, it appears I have an abscess.....never a good thing.  The tooth is one with a crown on it, and since there isn't pain, must have had a root canal.

So finally I called the school doctor (thankfully he speaks English) and they have a dentist at their clinic.  My appointment is tomorrow at noon.  I hope they will give me antibiotics to clear the infection, then can deal with whatever needs to be done.  Ugh....

new way to work:)

After 6 months of going two different ways to work, both involving the humongous and aggravating "hill", I've found two new ways.  Thanks to my co-worker Andrew for pointing these out!  Both of these new routes do not involve the big hill!!!!! Yea!  One is getting off the metro two stops early and walking directly to my school in 20 minutes!  Great for these breezy warm days of summer, when the metro is especially hot, stinky and a little claustrophobic!  The other way is a bus, with a stop at the opposite end of the island where I live (around a 12 minute walk), then a 20 minute or so bus ride.  From the bus stop, 10 minutes to school.  Woot Woot!!!!!  Love having options!

June 1st

A visit to one of the gorgeous botanical gardens here in the city today made me very happy:)

Friday, May 31, 2013

rain storms...

A storm is coming...I can feel it in the air.  The way the wind is blowing, fiercely and constantly, turning the leaves on the trees inside out.  I love the sound of the wind when it's like this.  The air is different too.... the smell of rain... an earthy quenching odor that makes me smile.  The way the rain sounds as it gently falls, nourishing the earth, and me.

pay day

Thank goodness for payday!  Our technical, actual payday is always on a Sunday, but thankfully, we usually get paid on Thursday before, which is the last day of our work week.  Woot woot, cuz I'm out of coffee!  ...was...

My friend Richard

I am so lucky to have a great friend in Richard.  He is an open and honest sounding board for most of my musings about what to do, where to go and what I want.  Thanks for your friendship:)

moving on in my head

...that's where it usually starts... a thought....hhhmmm... what will I do next?  where should I go after here?  And now I'm thinking about it quite a bit and seriously.  Though at this point I know I will stay here through my one year contract period, which is till November.... I am sometimes overwhelmed at the idea of having to plan what next, though at the same time the excitement is awesome!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

freedoms of being an American...

Often I forget that as an American I have so much more freedom than many other nationalities.  For instance, Ukrainians have difficulty traveling to countries in the EU, and to most other Westernized places.  Just like in the USA, many countries think everyone wants to come and stay.  (well, I know sometimes that is true).  But.... I am often reminded how fortunate I am to be an American citizen,with the ability to travel around to most anywhere in the world freely.


Since it's Sunday, my usual Skype day.... I  had a chance to visit with my friend and "surrogate daughter" as I lovingly refer to her, Courtney.  We were to talk at 2 pm her time, 9 mine.  My computer was ringing with her calling, and I was pleasantly surprised to find her husband, Cody at the other end!  Court was on her way home with Carter and she had Cody call me.  It was great to catch up with him for a bit, then barely of glimpse of Carter as they came in and she put him down for a nap.  Which he of course was very reluctant to take, but eventually he quieted down and fell asleep.
It's always fun and feels like home to chat with Courtney:)  I love you girl!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kyiv celebrates being over 1,000 years old!!!!

Whew, what an ancient city this is!!!!  My roomie, Rebecca and I went downtown to check out the festivities... being early in the day (3:30 p.m.) they were still setting up many things.  Guess we were too early, but working Sundays is a hindrance to a late Saturday.

a parade of teen age teams who competed in "Olympic" games

how do they do that?

love this fountain....first time I've seen it spraying water!

Since there wasn't much happening around the square, some people milling around, music, lots of vendors..so much tempting ice cream... we decided to go to the Pinchuk Art gallery..  Pinchuk is a hidden gem in Kyiv, a free gallery that changes it fascinating installations every couple of months.  Today we saw an amazing exhibition of art from Chinese artists.  There were many huge installation pieces, and it made me want to go back to Asia.... Maybe China....  It was my other option before I chose Ukraine.....hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Friday, May 24, 2013

what and where next?

Now that I am feeling more comfortable with my job and life in Kiev, it's coming to a time when I must think about where I will go from here.  I do have a one year contract which is not up until November, and I think I want to extend it.  As we say in Ohio, lord willing and the creek don't rise, this option will pan out.

However, my life experience has taught me there is wisdom in having a plan B, and perhaps even a plan C... just in case.

I have also heard through the grapevine, that possibly in 2014 Ukraine will have stricter visa guidelines.  These new guidelines would mean you cannot leave the country and return unless you stay gone for 90 days.  Ow.... this would totally hinder my traveling abilities.... So we shall see.  I'm exploring plan B and C options...any ideas?

oh my gosh...another episode of Game of Thrones...

It dawned on me today, I may have missed the most recent episode of Game of thrones...and much to my surprise and excitement, I had... I anxiously found and downloaded it, then watched it!  This show has sucked me in from the very first episode and I wait with breathless anticipation for the next episode....just like a long gone lover I am pining for.....Game of Thrones never ever fails to fully satisfy me:)


...was the word I kept dwelling on today... It's a glorious feeling to believe that the world, your life, and your circumstances right now are rife with possibilities.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Great classes!

Ok, so now maybe I'm sounding like a broken record, but, man I really have some great classes to teach again this semester!  Have you ever had a job that really gets you going, makes you happy to go to work, and you have fun doing?  You know it when it happens, and if it hasn't happened to you, maybe it's time to look for a new job!

love partner?

I had an ephiphany of sorts today.....Is it possible for my job, that I really, really love, to be my love partner in 2013????

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Grateful for Gretchen

..thats my lovely grand daughter... I'm very happy to have been able to skype with her and Pete and Nicole today:)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

First hairdresser visit in Ukraine!

.. a great success!  Had a nice trim/shaping and color, all for around $30.  The salon is in my neighborhood and it's a busy little place but I was lucky enough to get an appointment today.  It always feels so good to have someone do my hair!

Game of Thrones...

I was soooo excited to get caught up on the last two episodes of my favorite show!  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Honey, I'm Home!

This is what my computer said to me yesterday after I brought her home!!  My thanks to Bobby at F1 for taking her home and fixing her up!  It was a long, long wait however and quite a quest yesterday to find the other office where he was working to pick it up.  (Ok, it's an it, but I love it and was lost without it/her)

With Bobby's limited English skills and my non existent Russian, it was a long afternoon of me finding my way to where he was.  First I thought he was at the close location where I originally met him working,  but it was not that easy.  He texted me the name of the metro station and first I said no I don't think so, you bring it to me.  He was working days, and I was scheduled to start back to work after our break this evening....

I finally thought, I'll find you and my computer!  Hey, I just traveled alone for 6 days, I can manage.  So I told him, ok, I'm on my way and I'll call you when I get to the metro.  It's a straight shot, but about 10 stations down.....So once there I showed the address to a couple people. One young man didn't know, but he did speak English.  A middle aged lady selling plants, though she didn't speak English, wrote  down for me a marshutka number and wrote where I should get off.

I called Bobby and asked him how to get there.... He told me a different marshutka number (550) and to get off at the 5th stop.  Of course, initially I was at the wrong stop, when I finally asked a teen who pointed out the way to the correct place.  I went there and waited and waited, texted Bobby...it's still not here.  I then got on the 550 and he texted me back to take the 477...... lol.  I counted the stops and got off.  Then I called him.  He said, good, I am close, wait there.  I am coming with your computer.....I was soooo excited!!!! Just like a long lost friend I've been missing, can't wait!!!!

No sign of him..... a few minutes later he calls me, saying I'm here and I don't see you... He asked me where are you?  I laugh and say, I have no idea where I am..... I counted 5 stops and got off...here, let me ask this man standing next to me to talk to you..... they chat...Bobby tells me to go with this guy on the 22 trolley and it should be 2 stops... Ok great... The guy asks me if I speak French...of course not.... English?  No, but he helps me to the trolley, and when we get to the second stop, I ask this one?  No, he nods, but just then Bobby is leaning in the trolley, Joanne! here, get off.....

Ah, what an adventure...... I laughed that he had seen me and told him the guy said no not yet.... lol.  He showed me my computer, all fixed, etc... And I thanked him and we laughed and laughed about my trying to find the place!  I got to see a new part of Kiev I hadn't seen before... He walked me across the underground walkway to the other side and said get on the 550 and go go go.......You will find your way:)  I always do...

The countryside of Ukraine!!!!

My friend Linda invited me to go with her to the countryside today. I'd met her friend Pat once at Linda's and Pat and her husband (they're from UK) are foster parents to 4 teens and live in a village about half an hour outside of the city.  A couple hours of weeding cured my hankering for a garden.... but it was great to go barefoot in the dirt!

Planting Spinach

..in a garden box in my window today:)  I ate a lovely salad from some of my home grown greens today, and decided it was time to replenish them.  I also transplanted three little tomato plants that I started from seed I bought in the UK.

pondering a visit to my other home

Today I started thinking maybe I need to visit Ohio and my mom and other loved ones in the not too distant future.  This thought was spurred on by recent email conversations with my sister... Our mom is in a home and has Alzheimers.  Even if she doesn't especially remember when I've been around, I will remember.  I'm pretty lucky to have such a great sister.